Meet the Mazamas

Jacob moved to Portland in 2016, partially for the outdoor lifestyle after living in North Carolina for 18 years. Jacob now leads and joins Adventurous Young Mazamas activities, including AYM climb nights. When not spending time outside, he likes to read, cook, explore new Portland restaurants and breweries and is learning the bass guitar. By day, he works as a software engineer in the healthcare space.

Name: Jacob Lippincott

Pronouns: He / Him

Year Joined Mazamas: 2022

Present-day outdoor activities: Hiking, rock climbing, mountaineering, skiing, kayaking, running

What’s your earliest outdoor memory?   Walking along the Atlantic Ocean in Rhode Island, where I was born.

How did you first hear about the Mazamas, and what prompted you to engage with the organization? Through a friend I met in Beaverton, after discovering we had a shared connection for hiking and climbing. He had recently finished the Basic Climbing Education Program (BCEP), and I joined him on a Mazama hike. I wanted to engage with the organization to meet like-minded people and take advantage of the great educational options the Mazamas has to offer. 

As more people seek to recreate outdoors, what advice would you offer them? We are incredibly lucky to have access to all kinds of outdoor activities in Oregon, but take recreation here seriously, especially when dealing with riskier activities such as climbing and mountaineering. It is important to have the skills necessary to venture into the backcountry safely. For me, that meant taking classes through the Mazamas and now assisting with other classes to help pass knowledge along. 

What activities/situations/people most inspire you? I’m inspired by those who choose to lead activities outside, whether those are Mazama climb leaders or those just taking friends out for the weekend. Those who give up personal time to make sure other people get to enjoy nature and pass along their wisdom should be celebrated.

What is your favorite book/movie/TV show/social media account that you follow and why? Pick one. My favorite outdoor-related account is the YouTube channel HowNot2. They are local, outside of Seattle, and spend time testing and breaking climbing gear to help people gain confidence in their equipment. It makes me feel better to know how strong climbing gear really is, and they present information in an entertaining yet insightful manner. 

What’s on your adventure bucket list? I’d like to go to the Arctic and see the Northern Lights, and a Narwhal.