Meet the Mazamas

Sabrina comes to Portland via Austin, Texas, a place she liked but left her longing for a community of likeminded outdoor enthusiasts. She discovered the Mazamas shortly after moving to the Rose City and is an active participant in our SheTheyUs affinity group activities. When not outdoors, Sabrina works as an environmental health consultant.

Name:  Sabrina Wolfe

Pronouns:  She/Her

Year Joined Mazamas: 2024

Present-day outdoor activities:  Climbing, skiing, hiking, backpacking, surfing, biking, running…honestly anything outdoors 

What’s your earliest outdoor memory? I remember playing in the woods near my neighborhood park in elementary school. I remember “venturing” off the path (probably 50 feet even though it felt like an expedition) and finding a small creek and grassy island. I spent many hours running around that creek bed. I remember loving the feeling of being immersed by the woods and feeling like I had the woods to myself. 

How did you first hear about the Mazamas, and what prompted you to engage with the organization? I started to look into mountaineering courses/groups and found Mazamas online. I remember an old roommate mentioned them in passing once but I didn’t look into Mazamas until I started to seek out a community of outdoor hobbyists who were looking to climb outside, expand their skills, and build community. I had climbed in other she/they/us groups and really enjoyed the inclusion and empowering nature of the groups so I was very stoked to see Mazamas also had she/they/us climbs and activities!

As more people seek to recreate outdoors, what advice would you offer them? The outdoors can be thrilling and beautiful, as well as, (insert favorite cuss word here) challenging. Everyone encounters mental and physical barriers during activities. There are days you’ll send everything you touch and other days you question what you’re doing off the couch. Be kind to yourself and listen to what your body’s needs/limits are for the day. Most importantly, don’t forget to take a second to stop and appreciate the views. 

What activities/situations/people most inspire you? I am most inspired by activities that force you to be present. Sometimes life feels like it is moving too fast or stressors seem too prevalent. I appreciate activities that let my anxiety, depression, and/or incessant thoughts fade away and push me to live in the moment.

What is your favorite book/movie/TV show/social media account that you follow and why? Pick one. Oh goodness. If we are answering vulnerably I would probably say SheMovesMountains (rock climbing guide service that aims to empower women and gender minorities through retreats and clinics). Before I moved to Portland, I lived in Austin, TX. While I have an amazing family and friend group in Austin, I felt like I was missing something. I craved an outdoor community, especially an outdoor climbing community. I found SheMovesMountains on Instagram and started attending their guided retreats and clinics. I quickly found a community of empowering badass people that inspired me in climbing and in everyday life. I moved to Portland a year later to find a like minded outdoor community and haven’t looked back. 

What’s on your adventure bucket list? Climb, ski, and backpack in the Chamonix mountains and Dolomites, no doubt.