This class covers intermediate level alpine snow climbing skills (the level of skill taught in the Mazamas ICS program), including proper crampon and ice axe technique for high angle snow conditions, roped team travel and negotiating glacial terrain, protection techniques, including running belays, fixed line travel, belayed pitch climbing, and snow anchor building. Two evening lectures are followed by two days in the field on either the Eliot Glacier, the White River Glacier, or the Ried Glacier on Mt. Hood. 

For details and to register for the course, please follow this link.


Do you know any boulderers who would like to learn about sport climbing?

Let them know about Sport Climbing Essentials – a new Mazamas Mini-Course designed especially for people who boulder at V2 or better.

Topics covered: 

  • What gear to buy 
  • Safety techniques 
  • Knots 
  • Proper communication 
  • Toprope belaying and climbing 
  • Following a sport route 
  • Cleaning and converting sport anchors to rappels 
  • Safe rappelling 
  • Techniques for lead climbing 
  • Lead belay practice 
  • Lead climbing practice 
  • Lead belay/climb and falling clinic at Source Climbing Center 


Classes run Monday, Wednesday, Friday, July 22 – August 2; 6:30 – 9 p.m.
Course ends with a field session – sport climb at French’s Dome Sunday, August 4

Mazama Mountaineering Center
527 SE 43rd Ave, Portland OR 97215


$125 Mazama members
$150 nonmembers

To register, follow this link.


Do you have any opinions about the handling of travel between Mt. Hood and the Portland metro area? We thought you did!

The Mt Hood Multimodal Transportation Plan (MHMTP) partners have created an online survey. The purpose of this survey is to gather information about concerns and preferences related to transportation safety and transportation alternatives for those traveling to or across Mt. Hood. The result of the MHMTP will be a list of prioritized, affordable projects to be implemented along the Mt. Hood corridor.

Take the three-page online survey.

Read more from ODOT.


It’s the exciting, excellent, extraordinary extension of the Mazamas Basic Climbing Education Program (BCEP).  Like BCEP, e-BCEP is designed to prepare those with little to no outdoor rock or snow experience for mountaineering.

The course covers the needed skills for Mazamas “A” or “B” level climb:

  • Roped outdoor rock climbing (as a second) including: basic climbing knots, belaying skills, team communication, climbing and rappel techniques. 
  • Snow techniques including snow travel, glissading, ice axe arrest, roped glacier travel and expectations for an alpine climb.
  • Gear selection
  • How to pack efficiently
  • Nutrition 
  • Map & compass navigation
  • Weather assessment 

Field sessions are held in both alpine and rock terrain. Sessions may include overnight camping and “alpine” starts (that is, very early). The class will be conducted on exposed terrain and/or climbing routes as conditions and skills warrant.

The tentative schedule for this nine-week course begins June 19.

The tuition fee covers the course fee and graduation certificate, as well as one Mazamas climb application:

$335 for Mazamas Members
$395 for Non-Mazamas Members

You can register for e-BCEP and find lots more details –including a complete course schedule– by following this link.

WANTED: Your Adventure Video for Mazamas Video of the Month!

Every month, the Mazamas features a “Mazamas Video of the Month”.
And we want to showcase YOUR video!
The intent is for Mazamas members to share their mountain experiences with friends and fellow Mazamas.
We want to view your trips,
trips that remind us of trips we have done or dream of doing,
and we certainly don’t need a reckless Red Bull adrenaline-fueled video.

The aim is to celebrate the Mazamas lifestyle.
Please submit your videos to:


A Kickstarter Project
In June of this year, nine mountaineers will attempt to become the first all-African-American expedition to climb Denali (a.k.a. Mount McKinley) in Alaska.

As NOLS’ Bruce Palmer has said, “This expedition is more than simply making history. It is an effort to build an outdoor legacy for people of color, particularly African-Americans.”
Our purpose in creating this documentary film is to tell the amazing story of Expedition Denali, but in order to do that we need your help.

By 2019, some estimates predict that minority children will become the majority in the U.S. These kids will become the leaders of this country and the world, and a staggering majority of them don’t feel the outdoors is a place for them.

For more information and to back the project, follow this link to the Kickstarter page.


The Kinder Path
Photo: Katy Walters

By Eugene Lewins and Jamie Anderson

Does it really matter if you go for a hike today?

On the 24th of April, 1932, a group of English working men went for a hike and changed the history of public access in Britain. As the Selma Bus Boycott is celebrated in the American civil rights narrative, so the Kinder Scout Mass Trespass is looked back on in Britain. Risking their own safety, they went up against forces barring access to what had for many centuries been public land.

Visualize the scene: Two days earlier, a small group from a local hiking club, the Manchester Ramblers, had been met by a group of gamekeepers who had threatened and abused them until they turned back. This time, four hundred men from the surrounding industrial towns, dressed in old wool jackets and working boots, set off along the legal footpath onto the open moorland–a landscape not that different from our own Columbia Hills–in what I imagine was a silence weighed with excitement. Andy Hemingway picks up the narrative:

At Nab Brow, they caught first sight of the keepers dotted along the slope beneath Sandy Heys. A

Photo: Eirian Evans

whistle was sounded for the troupe to stop. On a second whistle they turned right to face Kinder Scout. When the third whistle sounded, they began to scramble up the steep slope towards the keepers. Although a few minor scuffles ensued, and a twisted ankle to one of the landowners’ men, in the majority of cases the protestors just walked through the line of keepers, where they reformed and headed for the plateau.

If the day was a success, it came at a price for the organizers. Although there had been no criminal trespass, the leaders were picked out of the returning hikers and charged with unlawful assembly and breach of the peace. They were sent to jail for up to six months.

Had the trespass been a failure?

If authorities anticipated that they could isolate and dissuade these urban hikers, then they underestimated the power of the local recreation clubs.

In 1930s England access to public land was in danger of being lost forever. Successive laws enacted throughout the 18th and 19th centuries had closed off swathes of what had once been common land. At the same time, as populations grew in the industrial cities of the north, working-class clubs sprang up to foster weekend recreation on the neighboring hills. These urban hikers found themselves opposed by estate landowners who wanted to limit access to the moors for their own grouse hunting. With dubious legal precedent, landowners employed game keepers and sympathetic local magistrates to block what had once been public rights of way.

Solutions had been proposed, but to the working men who made up the clubs progress seemed too slow at best. In the 1980’s, when I moved up to the north of England to live closer to climbing areas like the Peak District–by then a national park–these small clubs were still the backbone of outdoor recreation. Without exception their meetings were midweek at a local pub, and the primary topics were where to climb or hike on the weekend and whose car was running well enough to get there. Even then, fifty years later, there were a few spell-binding times when, amidst the beer and smoke and bullshit, a guitar would appear, and an old-timer be pushed into the forefront for an impromptu sing that included these verses, penned by Ewan Macoll, to memorialize the mass trespass. There was always something solemn in the way I heard them sung, with an uncompromising meter which perhaps matched that steady stride of those earlier men walking steadfastly up the slopes of Kinder.

I’m a rambler, 
I’m a rambler from Manchester way 
I get all my pleasure the hard moorland way 
I may be a wage slave on Monday 
But I am a free man on Sunday.

The Trespass marked a beginning of change. Faced with the heavy handed response of landowners and local magistrates, a few weeks later 10,000 ramblers assembled at a rally. Clearly they were not to be quieted. Real change came slowly, delayed by the depression, and then World War II. But as I witnessed in those club meetings, the rallying cry of the Trespass was not forgotten.  Access issues are very different in Britain and the States, but I believe we share the same passion for the freedom of the hills.


This is not an alpine butterfly!
Memorizing and carefully practicing your climbing knots is so 2012.  Why bother with all that extra effort when generations of knot tying expertise from around the world can be stored on your smartphone, waiting to unfold in full-color 3-D animations?  Of course, we’re joking!  You still need to practice and memorize your knots, but now you can learn new knots anywhere with these handy apps for iPhone and Andriod.    


You may think of Bozeman, Montana as a mecca for winter sports enthusiasts, and rightly so. But if Kris Zigich and Evan Mathews have their way, the prime rock climbing of south central Montana is about to become a not-so-well-kept secret. Under the masthead of Cruxin’ Productions, Zigich and Mathews have issued a feature-length film highlighting the superb variety of climbing (and climbers) to be found in Gallatin Canyon, Natural Bridge, Chestnut Mountain, Allenspur, and Bear Canyon — all a short drive from the thriving mini-opolis of Bozeman.  This summer, instead of queuing up for the shady lines at Leavenworth and Smith, it might be time to head for the Big Sky Country.