Two hikers and Mt. Adam’s southeast face.
Photo: Harold Bonebrake. |
Flower Finder: Top Spur Trail to McNeal Point Shelter Loop on Mt. Hood
by Barry Maletzky
Following the maze of roads to access the Top Spur Trail is worth the small effort as this route gains you the quickest access to the wonderful profundity of alpine wildflowers surrounding Mt. Hood, both in forest and meadow. All you have to do is look down at the start of the trail to see a miniature version of the flowering dogwood tree. Bunchberry, also called Canadian Dogwood, looks like someone plucked a cluster of dogwood tree flowers, then strewn them across the forest floor. As with the tree, the actual flowers are tiny dull thing-a-mig things poking up in the center of the four white “petals”, which only masquerade as petals; they’re really leafy bracts colored bright white to attract pollinating insects.
Also prominent in these woods is Parrot’s Beak Lousewort, a low-growing pinkish-purplish plant with reddish leaves. Although the name sounds derogatory, it stems from the belief that many plants in the lousewort genus could rid homes and pets of lice, another myth exploded by reality. All our louseworts (including the famous Elephant’s Head) are in the Snapdragon Family and are thus distant cousins to Indian paintbrushes. Just about ¼ mile in, near a stream area, note Bugbane on your left. This plant, about 3 ft. tall, is visually rare along Northwest trails. It stands out as a spiky white specimen because the actual flowers are tiny but an army of stamens points outward as the most visible feature of the plant. Do not be deceived by its name: it has never protected anyone I know from the biting flies and mosquitoes common in these woods.
The delightful Avalanche Lily peppers the open woods here and although its white flowers droop, they have nothing to be ashamed of. Note the bright yellow centers of these close siblings of the Glacier Lily, which is totally yellow. As you turn right briefly onto the PCT, then almost immediately left onto the Timberline Trail, you may note the delightful Queen’s Cup Lily, a white six-petalled flower resting amidst a cluster of thin parallel-leaved leaves. Parts in sixes or threes usually denote the Lily, Iris, and Orchid Families, quite different in their evolution from most flowering plants, which hold their parts in fours or fives.
You labor upwards here gradually at first and should locate several examples of Merten’s Coral Root, a saprophyte all red and straw in color, lacking the need for any green chlorophyll but making its living off fungi and bacteria in the shaded soil. We have two other Coral Roots in our woodlands – Striped and Spotted. All are actually in the Orchid Family but I’m afraid tropical inhabitants might look down their noses at these compared to their large and colorful cousins down south.
In the transition zones here between forest and meadow, at around 6,000 ft. elevation, blue Jacob’s Ladder graces the sides of the trail. A Phlox Family species, it can be recognized by its ladder-like arrangement of leaves growing up its stems and by the charming sky-blue flowers nodding at the ends of its 6-9” stems. A close cousin, Sky Pilot, grows even higher in our alpine regions. Rub the leaves of either to smell their carrion-like odor, quite in contrast to their pleasant appearance. The trashy smell attracts the flies which pollinate this lovely plant.
You now proceed into the lush west-side meadows so characteristic of the high Cascades. Bear Grass, here up to 10 ft. tall, lends a subtle lily-like perfume, while blue Lupines and crimson Tall Paintbrush paint the meadows by a series of large boulders (note several Tiger Lilies on your left here as well) with spectacular views of Hood’s west face and the Sandy River drainage basin. After several miles on the Timberline Trail, look to your right just after a sharp left bend in the trail to catch the steep spur to McNeil Point Shelter. Walk through a crushing maze of daisy-like pink Cascade Asters and yellow Sawtooth Groundsels (or Senecios), these last with triangular sharply-toothed leaves, along with battalions of Sitka Valerians, the common white-topped plant of alpine meadows. Some of the asters and groundesls are taller than most hikers, giving the feeling of swimming through a floral sea. The rude path steepens here but the way is brightened by the many red and yellow Columbines you pass as you near the shelter.
But do not stop there. A few minutes hike above McNeil Shelter brings you to even grander viewpoints and the presence of my favorite lupine – Lyall’s, or the Sub-alpine Lupine (also called Lobb’s Lupine). The silvery-green leaves provide a gorgeous backdrop for the tiny blue and white pea-like flowers common to all lupines but in miniature: a jewel amongst the giants below. You can continue on an unofficial but well-maintained trail to complete a loop, and thus marvel at scarlet Paintbrushes; blue Lupines; Drummond’s Cinquefoils (the small yellow flowers); and the seedheads of the Western Anemone, with its dusty mop atop 2 ft. tall stems looking for all the world like the grey messy hair of the old man of the mountains. Many Avalanche Lilies will still populate crannies by trailside rocks and, as you descend through woods, the daisy-like yellow heads of Broad-leaf Arnica stand out against the monotone of green.
At several ponds at around 6,500 ft., often dry by mid-August, you will be rewarded with the sight of Fringed Gentian, a 2-ft. tall plant with petals the deepest of blues and green spots held upright and with fringes on each of their edges. In the woods below, just before you rejoin the Timberline Trail, there are two stream crossings which feature large gatherings of two Monkey Flowers: The yellow one is Mountain (or Tilinget’s) Monkey Flower, here mixed vibrantly with the shocking pink of Lewis’ Monkey Flower. These two line streambeds throughout our mountains; monkey flowers are also members of the Snapdragon Family, although their resemblance to an ape escapes me.
This loop often contains patches of snow throughout the summer, especially as it traverses meadows beyond the hut. However, ample footsteps and by-passes preclude the need for an ice ax. The way is only steep and rough in places just below the hut; otherwise, the trails are broad, relatively gentle, view-filled, and provide one of the best alpine flower shows in our state. If you’re not off on a climb and have a free day in July or August, this loop should not be missed.
Video of the Month – June 2015
Nepal – How Can You Help
We are all by now aware of the disastrous earthquake events that struck the Himalaya on April 25, 2015. We are only just now starting to make contact with our friends and business associates in Nepal. While we grieve for the dead and the wounded there, and mourn the loss of priceless and timeless architecture, and worry for the safety and health of the survivors, we can’t help but ask ourselves, “how can we help?”
The message from our friends in Nepal is clear: “come to us. Come and experience our world-famous trekking, and in so doing, help us to recover our financial stability.” For some of us, that may turn out to be the best sort of financial aid we can offer.
Mazamas is currently offering a 19-day outing to the Annapurna Region of Nepal, scheduled for October 26, 2015 to November 13, 2015, during which we will visit the famed Annapurna Sanctuary, the very heart of that incredible massif, there staying at two climbing base camps each located at elevations of just under 14,000 ft., and touching at numerous Magar, Gurung and Tamang villages along the way. It will be a splendid way to experience for yourself the resilience of these cheerful, hardy mountain people, knowing that by your presence you are helping them in the most concrete of ways to recover from this disaster.
An informational meeting is scheduled for 6 p.m. on Thursday, May 28, 2015 at the Mazama Mountaineering Center If you are interested in visiting this region, now is as good a time as there ever has been to do so. Please join us on the 28th and see if this is a way you can help. RSVP on Facebook.
An Abbreviated Flower Finder for Dog Mountain in May
Northwest Balsamroots |
glories on the various legs of the Dog Mountain. While it would take many pages to
describe the more than 50 species of wildflowers present alongside these
trails, perhaps you might be interested in brief descriptions of some of the
more prominent species inhabiting these slopes. I will describe my favorite
routes on Dog – up the steeper west-side trail, then down the gentler east-side
overwhelming display of Northwest Balsamroots in the meadows approaching the
summit of Dog, reaching their peak during the second-to-third week of the month.
However, some of the lesser-known flowers can be enjoyed throughout the month
by those with a somewhat smaller eye and an appreciation for their delicate
architecture and singular beauty, even though they are less abundantly-massed
than the Balsamroots mentioned above.
Broadleaf Lupine (Lupinus latifolius) |
Broad-leaf Lupines so common in so many locales in the Northwest. Note the
palm-shaped arrangement of their leaves; often a spot of dew resides at their
center, like a diamond jewel held in their leafy hands. As you trudge the road
and begin the trial proper, that tall shrub with bluish flowers may masquerade
as a lilac but is actually a ceanothus, this one commonly called Deer Brush,
somewhat ignominiously growing quite close to the outhouse. In the woods as you
begin the trail, note the many small, pinkish-to-white low-growing Star
Flowers, well-named as they sparkle against the monotone of green underneath.
Blue-eyed Mary’s |
ft. of elevation display Small-flowered Blue-eyed Mary’s, accompanied by small
white flowers with golden central “eyes”. These, unfairly, lack a common name
and are referred to by the Latin moniker of Common Cryptantha. That tall white
daisy plant decorating both sides of the trail here is Western White Groundsel
(or Senecio) while much smaller, but of more colorful character,
Herald-of-Summer (or more depressingly named Farewell-to-Spring) hews to the
ground on your right. This last combines charming shades of pink on its petals
but with bold red splotches toward the center of the flower.
Hooker’s Fairy Bells |
is Hooker’s Fairy Bells. You will need to
peek underneath its drooping pointy
leaves to discover the shy white bell-shaped flowers which lend their name to
this brushy 3-ft. tall plant. Also on this plateau, a most unusual saprophyte
exists, ghostly white throughout. It is the Phantom Orchid, rarely seen except
in a narrow longitudinal range along the eastern crest of the Cascades. Saprophytes
such as the three Coral Roots (also in the Orchid Family) inhabiting out
forests, lack chlorophyll and thus are not green in any of their parts; they
have no need of sunlight as they are fully sustained by the fungi and bacteria
in the soil which supply minerals and water to the pant in exchange for the
carbohydrates the saprophyte supplies to them. We do have other orchids in our
mountains, though they cannot rival in color or size those of tropical realms.
One such may still be out in the forests of early May between 900 and 2,000
ft., the beloved Calypso Orchid (or Fairy Slipper), with its diminutive pink
tongue and red-spotted petals.
Fairy Orchid (Calypso Orchid) |
ft. Here, that white multi-petalled flower is the Columbia Gorge Windflower,
actually an anemone closely related to the blue Oregon Anemone so common high
on Nick Eaton Ridge. All anemones are in the Buttercup Family, a reminder that
floral and leaf appearance do not correlate well with family membership – not
so different than in our human families as well.
Dutchman’s Breeches |
in May look for the fancifully-named Dutchman’s Breeches, especially on the
right as you steeply ascend the trail, then make a right-hand turn at 2,000 ft.
With some imagination, these Bleeding Heart relatives do look amazingly like
the upturned pantaloons commonly depicted in paintings of 17th
Century Holland. After this turn, and accompanying you through the steep uphill
trail from 2,100 to 2,300 ft. are yellow Stream (or Wood) Violets (most of our
violets, despite their name, are yellow) and its frequent companion, Candy
Flower, with white petals softly engraved with peppermint-like pencil-thin pink
meadows so often decorating calendars and wildflower book covers. But look
beyond the maze of Balsamroots to find the fuzzy purple flowers of Ball-head
Phacelia, especially early in the month. As you pass Windy Point (or The Puppy)
at 2,500 ft., gaze up to your right at the towering fins of basalt at around
2,700 ft. to spot the shocking pink of Rock Penstemon, a plant that adheres to
rock outcroppings here and on Table Mountain. It should be awarded the honor of
“most colorful” amongst the many blooms you will find along these Gorge trails
(think Vera Wang and Versace, not Old Navy or REI). At top, the shiny yellow
flowers decorating the well-trodden meadows are Western Buttercups.
Death Camas |
1,900 ft., a few Calypso Orchids may still be in bloom at 1,850 ft. Just before arriving at the glorious opening
at 1,750 ft., look to your left for a mass of pink blooms called Rosy
Plectritis populating a meadow, then immediately check the next meadow to your
right for a view of Death Camas. Appearing as a miniature version of
Bear-grass, to which it is distantly related, this Lily Family plant lives up
to its name: Several folks have been known to have been done in by eating an
excess of the bulbs of these plants, mistaking them for real Camas before they
bloomed and showed their true colors. Watch here too for the rare Bicolored
Cluster Lily, with faintly blue petals each streaked with a line of deeper blue
down its middle.
Western Groundsel |
at about 1,100 ft. display Blue-eyed Mary’s, white Western Groundsel (which
strangely is yellow west of the Crest), and the raggedy small flowers of
Prairie Star, pink-to-white with tri-cleft petals. That white flower hugging
the sandy soil is Woods Strawberry and its fruit, if available, should
definitely be sampled. No poison here!
the spring and summer than can be listed here. But even if you don’t know their
names or the families and genera to which they belong, don’t fail to enjoy this
trip. No able-bodied Mazama should fail to sample these floral delights on the
Dog in May.
How is the Mazamas Governed?
Do you know how Mazamas is governed? Each October members elect three new members to three-year terms on the nine-member Executive Council. The Nominating Committee selects 4-6 candidates to run based on their experience and the unique skills they can bring to making tough decisions about how the organization is managed. Are you interested in serving on the Executive Council or do you know someone you think would do a great job?
Since the Nominating Committee was formed, progress has been made toward the objective of significantly improving the annual EC nominee selection process. We aspire to include all Mazamas members and to identify and target those with skill sets that will best serve the organization now and in the future.
The Nominating Committee has worked with the past and current Executive Councils to define the skills and attributes that would ideally be present on the council at any given time. The Nominating Committee has been using a database that was created with member self-defined professional skillsets to recruit for council, but this database only includes the subset of the membership who completed a survey. As such, we are now reaching out to encourage members with the skills below to get in touch with the Nominating Committee to learn more about running for the Executive Council.
We strive to always have climb leader representation as well as members with other significant Mazama experience/involvement on the Executive Council. There are also technical and other skill sets that must be present to ensure that the organizational fiduciary and oversight responsibility is being met.
We’re currently seeking members with skills in the following areas:
- Board Governance/Board Leadership Experience: Past board experience
- “Big Picture” Strategic Thinkers: For example, business owners, management consultants, organizational development consultants, directors, VPs, CEOs, fundraising strategy experience
- Legal: We’re seeking a lawyer with relevant experience (e.g. non-profit, general commercial/corporate, ideally with prior board experience)
- Finance: This remains a critical area, as we’ve identified this as an area that would ideally be represented in more than one person to have a pipeline for treasurer. Targeted skills include: non-profit experience, fund accounting, restricted funds, accrual accounting, budgeting experience, CPA (experience in the following type of positions would be great: Controller, VP Finance, CFO)
- Management/Leadership Experience: Experience managing a staff, w/ hiring and firing decisions, setting performance goals & holding staff accountable, handling corrective action, and employment relations issues, understanding of human resources issues, compliance and risk management
Executive Council service is a great way to give back to the organization, but it is also a wonderful professional development opportunity. It can provide valuable experience and help position you for future leadership positions in your professional career. Executive council positions can also be great for those who are retired from positions such as those mentioned above.
The bylaws require that a person has been a Mazama member for three years to run for the Executive Council. If you have one or a mixture of the skills above, please contact Matt Carter (, Nominating Committee chair as soon as possible to discuss your interest and to learn more about the process. We look forward to hearing from you!!
National Volunteer Week
Go the extra mile – Literally! Just this week,
our volunteers are logging 1,100 foot-miles leading hikes for BCEP, Trail Trips
and the 20s&30s Mazamas group.
20s&30s Mazamas hike at Silver Falls State Park, Photo by Sándor Lau |
Have a great sense of adventure – Recently, our
newest climb leader, Leora Gregory, tied the knot with her sweetie, Jay
Avery, on the summit of Mt. Hood.
Are kind and nurturing – From helping new
climbers ease off a belay ledge for their first rappel; to tenderly planting
baby trees to re-establish habitat, Mazama volunteers put a ton of love and
caring into their work.
BCEP Student Rappels at Horsethief, Photo by Steve Heikkila |
Volunteers planting saplings along the Sandy River, Photo by Corinne Handelman |
Love to have fun – What keeps volunteers coming
back year after year is all the fun they have while volunteering. There’s plain
silly fun,
Provide an important community service – Our volunteers support Mazama classes, programs and activities; they also do important work to preserve and protect the places we play.
Rebolting at Broughton Bluff, Photo by Adam Baylor |
Don’t mind getting dirty – Let’s face it, we all became mountaineers because we like to play in the mud!
Trail Tending is dirty business, Photo by Kati Mayfield |
RTM: The Magic of a Journey around Mt. Hood
As of April 13, 2015 there are spaces available for the 2015 RTM trip. Link to register:
The author, Michele, had carried her water shoes 3/4 of the way around this
mountain and was determined to use them on at least one stream crossing! |
RTM: One Woman’s Journey
by Michele Crim
Every year my husband Glenn and I plan at least one mystery vacation for each other.
Working my way across our first Sandy River crossing.
I got a little dizzy until I figured out to focus on the log and my feet, not the rushing water below! |
Our hiking group—one of six similar teams working
their way around the mountain over the weekend. |
CISM Team in Nepal: What Does it take to Build a Climbing Center?
Mike with Lhakpa Dorji, Lodge Owner.
Photo: Marina Wynton |
Phortse. Photo: Marina Wynton |
Yak Train. Photo: Marina Wynton. |
Mike heading to Namche. |
Road to Namch – Mani Stones & Prayer Wheel. |
Khumbu Climbing Center Construction. |
and would be transported by plane and yak from Katmandu, adding to the cost. The building has
Khumbu Climbing Center Construction. |
stone masons hadn’t arrived yet and the quarry had not opened yet for the season. The quarried rock is split by pounding sharpened and case-hardened pipe into buried boulders, creating a series of holes until something gives way.
Khumbu Climbing Center Construction. |
Khumbu Climbing Center Construction. |
Thank you!
- Alex Lowe Charitable Foundation
- Lhakpa Gelu Foundation
- Cassin
- Mountain Hardwear
- Base Camp Brewing Company
- Columbia Sportswear
- The Mountain Shop
- Mazama Members
- Petzl
- Sterling Rope
- Karma Cafe & Coffee Shop
Where Should I Climb Indoors?
ClubSport Ascent Climbing Center
- Wall square footage: 11,500 sq. feet textured climbing surface.
- Height: 25–45 feet.
- Bouldering, top roping, lead climbing—wide variety of terrain, cracks and overhangs.
- Host of four national youth competitions and local competitions.
- Other amenities: full service restaurant and bar; childcare available at a small additional charge.
- Hours: M-F 6 a.m.–11 p.m., Sat 8 a.m.–8 p.m., Sun 8 a.m.–6 p.m.
Tigard, OR.
The Circuit
- Wall square footage: 10,000 sq. feet (SW), 14,000 sq. feet (NE), 19,000 sq. feet (Tigard).
- Height: 14 feet (SW), 8–17 feet (NE), 14 feet (Tigard).
- Bouldering.
- Other amenities (varies by location): Training & fitness areas, slacklines, dedicated kids area, yoga.
- Hours: varies by location.
- Day: $14/$12 student
- Month: $67/$57 student/$137 family of three; with EFT contract (11-month minimum) $57/$47 student/$117 family of three
- Punch pass: $112/$96 student (10 punch pass, no expiration)
- Annual prepaid: $579/$479 student
Planet Granite
- Wall square footage: 30,500 sq. feet; 18,000 holds
- 150+ routes, 200+ boulder problems
- 18 cracks (4 adjustable)
- Height: 55-foot roped walls; 18-foot ball boulder.
- Other amenities: Two yoga and fitness studios, two comprehensive training areas, one bouldering ramp, showers/towels, lockers, dry sauna.
- Hours: M-F 6 a.m.–11 p.m., Sat 8 a.m.–8 p.m., Sun 8 a.m.–6 p.m.
- Day: $18/$14 student/$12 child
- Morning pass: $14
- Month: $77/$62 student/$120 family of two
- Punch pass: $165, 10-punch
- Annual: $847/$682 student/$1,320 family of two
Portland Rock Gym (PRG)
- Wall square footage: 15,000 sq. feet;
- Up to 120 routes (60 lead, 60 top-rope)
- Height: 40-foot top rope and lead walls
- 150–180 boulder problems
- Other amenities: Five True Blue auto-belay systems, Finger and System Boards, Pro Shop, Weight Room, Cardio Machines, Yoga Classes
- Hours: M/W/F 11 a.m.–11 p.m., T/TH 7 a.m.-11 p.m., Sat. 9 a.m.–9 p.m., Sun. 9 a.m.–6 p.m.
- Day: $15/$13 student/military
- Day Pre-3 p.m. (M–F only): $10
- Month: $63/$52 w/ annual contract or for students/$43 student w/ annual contract/$150 family of three
- Punch pass: $135 (10-punch pass; 1–year expiration)
- Annual prepaid: $572/$1276 families of three/$473 student/military
The Source
- Wall Square footage: 6,200 sq feet
- 68 routes, 34 top rope and lead lanes, 60+ boulder problems
- Height: 36-foot top rope and lead, 20-foot youth wall, 14-foot bouldering, 10-foot youth bouldering
- Other amenities: Autobelays, fully air-conditioned, warm-up mezzanine, student and family discounts, classes for every age and ability.
- Hours: M-F 11 a.m.–10 p.m., Sat 9 a.m.–9 p.m., Sun 9 a.m.–6 p.m.
- Day: $12
- Month: $55/$46 EFT with $27 start up fee (no contract or cancellation fees; option to freeze)
- Punch Pass: $96, 10-punch
- Annual Prep-Paid: $472
- Height: 20–34 feet
- Top route options include five auto belays, and eight manual belay.
- Day: $11/$10 college student
- Month: $46/$40 college student
- Punch pass: $40 5-punch; $68 10–punch (exp. 90 days)