Meet the Mazamas (Families Mountaineering 101 Edition)

Richard started his journey with the Mazamas in 2016, taking part in our Basic Climbing Education Program (BCEP) Then he got to thinking how fun it would be to get outdoors and climb with his children. He took Families Mountaineering 101 in 2017 with two of his children, and they’ve all been volunteering for FM101 since. Richard has co-chaired that committee for the past couple of years and is stoked for the FM101 class of 2024-25. Registration for FM101 is open.

Names: Richard Hall (He/Him/They) I have three children, two of whom expressed an interest in climbing. Kaden (He/Him) and Kiran (He/Him) who participated in FM101 in 2017 

How did you hear about FM101, and what prompted you to take the course? After completing the Basic Climbing Education Program (BCEP) in 2016, I asked about opportunities to involve my children. I wanted to be able to climb with them and hoped they too would develop a love for the outdoors. 

How would you describe your family’s outdoor pursuits before taking FM101? We did some camping, hiking and backing. We also enjoyed snowboarding and rafting.

Have things changed since completing it? If yes, describe how?  Yes! Since completing FM101 in 2017, my children and I have assisted with the program; helping to teach the skills learned to other families interested in climbing together. I am proud of the way they have been able to assist others demonstrating patience  as they help others learn basic rock and snow skills.

My personal journey has led me to become one of the volunteer coordinators for the program last year (2023-2024). I am coordinating it again this year with my good friend.

Please share a few course highlights for us. Did you make good friends? Did you conquer a fear of heights? Did you do things you never dreamed were possible? We have become members of an amazing community. We have cultivated lifelong friendships with people we have met in the FM101 program. Most recently, my sons and I climbed Mt. Ellinor in northern Washington. In addition to summiting and enjoying the incredible views along the way, we discovered Cushman Cliffs. My sons worked together to belay me on a challenging 5.8 slab. All three of us fell in love with the area and enjoyed an incredible weekend together creating lasting memories that I will cherish.  

What advice would you give to other families who might be considering FM101 and also those who have already applied? Apply! This is an incredible program. You will learn the basic technical rock and snow skills to participate in some amazing climbs with the Mazamas. More importantly, you and your family members will challenge yourselves and step outside your comfort zones. You will meet some awesome people and create lifelong memories with your children. 

What activities/situations/people most inspire you? The snow weekend has been one of our family’s favorite weekends. We love spending time at the lodge with people we have met throughout the years as well as new friends we have bonded with during the course. For me it is especially rewarding to watch people overcome fears or challenges and to help instill life lessons and leadership skills that can be learned through mountaineering. 

What’s on your family adventure bucket list? I would love to climb Hood for the first time with my boys.