Meet the Mazamas (Families Mountaineering 101 Edition)

Registration for Families Mountaineering 101 is OPEN.

Megan, Arya and Sienna were all camping before they graduated from diapers, and their love of and curiosity for the outdoors continues to grow. No one is putting bells on their shoelaces any longer though. “La Familia MÁS,” as they self-style, love hiking, backpacking, camping, gym climbing, biking and snowshoeing. Getting involved with the Mazamas has helped unlock outdoor climbing, family glissading and another level of courage.

Names: Megan, Arya (10), & Sienna (8) Nace

Pronouns: she/hers/ella

How did you hear about FM101, and what prompted you to take the course?

Megan was doing research on fun activities to do with her daughters and stumbled across the Families Mountaineering 101 (FM101) site. It felt like a perfect fit. After securing buy-in from the kids’ dad, she put in an application and crossed her fingers.

How would you describe your family’s outdoor pursuits before taking FM101? 

Megan had recently started climbing mountains like Adams and Hood, while one-night backpacking, snowshoeing and climbing South Sister were part of the family repertoire.

Arya & Sienna on the rock/ice wall at the Mazama Mountaineering Center

Have things changed since completing it? If yes, describe how.

The kids are dreaming bigger and moving into multi-night backpacking trips. Their youthful confidence has grown, yet they are also more knowledgeable about their skills and limits. Megan has picked up canyoneering, continues to train for Mt. Rainier, and hopes to learn to build simple anchors so she can keep the kids practicing their climbing skills outside of a gym environment.

Please share a few course highlights for us. Did you make good friends? Did you conquer a fear of heights? Did you do things you never dreamed were possible?

Arya: I never dreamed that I could rappel, but I did with the help of Rich. At Horsethief Butte, Xena showed me a place we could hang out in the sun, and I loved that. We also got to watch the eclipse with solar glasses!

Sienna: I did have a lot of friends.I was really scared of heights, but when I met the Mazamas, they taught me to be calm around heights. I conquered my fear of rappelling again after I flipped upside down at Horsethief Butte. I liked meeting Evelyn because she helped me with a lot of things, and we became really good friends.

Megan: I went into the course assuming I’d be exclusively supporting my kids’ learning as a single mother of two. I was absolutely delighted to finish with accomplished children, my own skills, and an accepting community of friends.

Arya & Sienna at the Mazama Lodge for FM101 Snow Weekend

What advice would you give to other families who might be considering FM101 and also those who have already applied?

Sienna: Trust in yourself.

Arya: Trust in the system and know that it will be hard at first, but once you keep practicing it will become easier and easier.

Megan: Do it!  I had very little experience outside of snow skills coming into the class, and the opportunity to genuinely learn and conquer fears alongside my kids has been the most incredible parenting experience I’ve had so far. The opportunity for my kids to coach me and to work through hard things together was family bonding like none other. Don’t be intimidated if you feel like you don’t have enough (or any!) knowledge or summits. We’re a welcoming group and eager to support.

What activities/situations/people most inspire you? 

Sienna: Rich helped me climb and lower when I believed I couldn’t do it and inspired me that I can do hard things. I want to keep climbing when I’m older. I don’t know how he does it. Evelyn taught me how to do fixed line travel and I’ll be available to help students next year.

Arya: I was inspired by the Tyrolean Traverse at Horsethief. It was a fun activity, and it must have been really hard to set it up. I went 17 times. A situation that inspired me was when Sienna got turned upside down on a rappel. I appreciate that Jeff came down and helped her get down safely. I learned a lot about how safe all of the systems and equipment are.

Megan: People who take chances and bring their authentic selves in service to others or the planet, with a keen mind for equity. My colleague, Olga Acuña, stands out as someone who humbly overcame many challenges, has served our Hillsboro community in a myriad of ways, has a gift for connecting the right people and has opened up opportunities for countless individuals.

What is your favorite book/movie/TV show/social media account that you follow and why? Pick one.

Arya: I like Moana because a second one is coming out. It shows you what is possible, and it’s just a really lovely story.

Sienna: I recommend Inside Out 2 because it can show emotions, and it’s a really good story of a girl growing up with her parents.

Megan: A book that really helped me to know better and work to do better was White Fragility. Human beings are nothing if not learners, and this book was huge in helping me grow beyond simply having good intentions. It’s a great read for white people.

What’s on your family adventure bucket list?

Sienna: I want to climb Mt. Rainier and Mt. Hood someday.

Arya: Practice at Rooster Rock and swim again. I also want to climb Mt. St. Helens in the summer and the winter so I can glissade.

Megan: I’ve literally dreamed of taking them up Mt. Thielsen since the first day of FM101. We’re planning a trip up Mailbox Peak and to climb St. Helens this summer.