Meet the Mazamas

Damon joined the Mazamas in 2018 when he signed up for the Basic Climbing Education Program (BCEP) and then Intermediate Climbing School (ICS) to learn how to navigate the technical and glaciated terrain of the Cascade volcanoes. He now volunteers with the Advanced Rock (AR) program. AR is now accepting applications for 2025. His favorite outdoor days are on long multi-pitch rock climbs. When not outside, he’s either reading, watching TV or wasting time playing Sudoku.

Name:  Damon Greenshields

Pronouns:  He/Him

Year Joined Mazamas: 2018

Present-day outdoor activities: I spend most of my outdoor time rock climbing, mountaineering, or skiing with my partner Angie.

What’s your earliest outdoor memory? I grew up in Eastern Oregon just outside of the Wallowa mountains. When I was 5, my dad and I hiked to the top of Ruby Peak. My dad had this huge, blue backpack that he would tote the kids around with, so there’s a good chance I didn’t hike much at all and was just training weight for him. I’m told there were plenty of candy breaks.

How did you first hear about the Mazamas, and what prompted you to engage with the organization? When I moved to Portland in 2018, I wanted to climb some of the local Cascade volcanoes but had never used crampons or an ice axe before. I discovered the Mazamas while searching online for mountaineering classes. I’m so thankful I decided to join because through taking BCEP and ICS and now volunteering with AR, I have made many amazing friends. One of my favorite things about the Mazamas is the friendly and uplifting community it has fostered.

As more people seek to recreate outdoors, what advice would you offer them? Some of the most rewarding experiences I’ve had in the outdoors was when I completed a difficult challenge by being well prepared and using skills that I learned to mitigate risks. So, I would say, at least regarding mountaineering/climbing, one of the most important things you can do for yourself is to prioritize learning and truly understanding systems and skills that contribute to keeping you safe.

What activities/situations/people most inspire you? I get anxious about being bad at things, so I’ve been working on putting myself out there more with new hobbies. It’s been way more fun and encouraging than I expected. I’ve found a lot of inspiration from friends who are passionate and excited about interests that are different from mine.

What is your favorite book/movie/TV show/social media account that you follow and why? Pick one. Angie and I listen to a lot of podcasts when on the road. Our favorite outdoor podcast is The Sharp End, and our favorite easy listening podcast is Normal Gossip.

What’s on your adventure bucket list?  Currently scheming up a plan to check out the Bugaboos next summer. The Bugaboos are a mountain range in the Purcell Mountains of British Columbia, Canada