Meet the Mazamas

Julia is a recent graduate of our Basic Climbing Education Program (BCEP) who loves to eat fun snacks on big mountains! Her day job is a hydrologist at the USGS Oregon Water Science Center. Ask her about rocks!

Name:  Julia Grabowski

Pronouns:  she/her

Year Joined Mazamas: 2023

Present-day outdoor activities: rock skipping, hiking, running, climbing, Nordic skiing

What’s your earliest outdoor memory? My parents are very outdoorsy North Carolinians, and I have a lot of great, early outdoor memories. They have a picture holding me on top of Hanging Rock as a 2-week-old-infant. My best memories are from when I got to play with nature — licking icicles like popsicles on Roan Mountain, making “rock music” with my friend by throwing rocks in the water and finding salamanders in creeks with my sister.

How did you first hear about the Mazamas, and what prompted you to engage with the organization? I moved to Portland two  years ago and seemed to hear about the Mazamas from everyone. I had been looking for an outdoor community and more knowledge of mountaineering and Mazamas hit!

As more people seek to recreate outdoors, what advice would you offer them? Remember that our fun hobby is a hobby, and it’s supposed to be for fun! I get annoyed seeing people taking themselves and their activity too seriously. If you’re not having fun, you’re doing it wrong.

What activities/situations/people most inspire you? I feel really inspired by the intergenerational aspect of the Mazama community. It feels really good for my soul to be always engaged in teaching and learning at the same time, and being surrounded by people of different ages facilitates those interactions. I love learning from my elders, and teaching is also really fulfilling.

What is your favorite book/movie/TV show/social media account that you follow and why? Pick one. The “SE Taylor Street Cat News.” Someone posts a monthly page on a street corner in SE Portland describing the recent goings-on with the neighborhood cats. I’m very interested in community organization that isn’t routed through Mark Zuckerburg’s pocket and always looking for inspiration!

What’s on your adventure bucket list? I would love to go canoe/raft camping in the Northwest. That is something I used to do in the Southeast, but the Northwest rivers are more serious, and I have not felt comfortable jumping in without a supportive group with me.