Meet the Mazamas

Michele joined the Mazamas a few years ago, looking for adventure after her children finished high school. Initially, she started participating in local hikes and was excited to join Round the Mountain in 2022. Then she took the Basic Climbing Education Program (Team JJ’s Commandos) and Backcountry Alpine Ski Touring courses and continues to advance her climbing skills. She is an active member of the Trail Trips Committee, and recently became the hike leader training assistant. When not out in the wild, she runs a specialized private practice serving students with dyslexia and is a passionate literacy advocate.

Name:  Michele Scherer Barnett

Pronouns:  she/her

Year Joined Mazamas: 2022

Present-day outdoor activities:  Hiking and skiing – downhill, Nordic, and backcountry

What’s your earliest outdoor memory? I grew up in the Bay Area, and I remember going to Stinson Beach and being cold and wrapped up in a blanket, and having a lot of sand in my peanut butter sandwich because it was so windy. 

How did you first hear about the Mazamas, and what prompted you to engage with the organization? I was prompted to engage with Mazamas partly because my kids were finishing high school, and I started carving out some time for my own adventures. I joined the Oregon Nordic Club and started backcountry Nordic skiing, and many ONC members talked about their Mazamas experiences. So when I wanted to start doing longer hikes in new areas, I thought I would check out Mazamas. I tried a day hike and had a great day, so I kept coming back for more. I never dreamed that would lead me back to things like rock climbing again because I had thought those days were over for me, but instead one thing just keeps leading to the next.

As more people seek to recreate outdoors, what advice would you offer them? Learn to use at least one good GPS app on your phone and practice with it. 

What activities/situations/people most inspire you? All of the volunteer leaders and assistants in the Mazamas programs inspire me. It’s amazing how many people are actively spending their time doing this, how dedicated they are, and they are genuinely encouraging people.

What is your favorite book/movie/TV show/social media account that you follow and why? Pick one.  The book called, “A Fortunate Life,” by Albert Facey, an autobiography. I like memoirs and real stories better than fiction. I love his natural storytelling ability, self awareness, survival and gratitude for his wife and family. What’s on your adventure bucket list? Hiking and skiing in the Alps, Nordic skiing in Norway, Alpine Touring in Canada.