Day 34: Estes and Rockey Mountain National Park

“Horseshoe Falls 5/17/24”

In the photo above we see Parsons backpack for the first time. Just barely visible are the words “Heading north Mexico to Canada.”

“I was on the way at 6 y got down to the town of Estes Park abt 8. Here I had a 2nd breakfast (although it didn’t amount to much except in price), bought a few groceries as there is 40-50 miles to the next town y 3 high passes to cross.

“Estes Park Colo 5/17/24”

Well, after that I followed the road up Fall River abt. 13 miles and am camping less than 1000 feet below timberline. I will try to get an early start tomorrow y get as far as possible before the snow gets too soft. The country along Falls River is in the park but it is privately owned along both sides for miles, I expect that later in the summer it would be almost impossible to get a drink of water along there for miles with out trespassing on somebody.”

“Looking down Falls River 5/17/24”