Meet the Mazamas

Julie moved to Portland from the Washington, D.C. area in 2019 and discovered the Mazamas shortly after arriving. She’s quickly plugged in and has volunteered for the Intermediate Climbing School (ICS) program for the past two years. ICS which will begin accepting applicants for the class of 2024-25 on July 10. When not climbing, Julie also enjoys biking and splitboarding.

Name:  Julie Tembunkiart

Pronouns:  she / her

Year Joined Mazamas: 2022

Present-day outdoor activities:  Hiking, Rock Climbing, Mountaineering, Biking, Splitboarding

What’s your earliest outdoor memory? In elementary school, I was at an outdoor summer camp that offered electives. I wanted to take horseback riding, but didn’t bring the right shoes. So, I was sent to the rock climbing wall instead. Although I didn’t continue to climb consistently, I was hooked instantly. Even after years of not climbing, I always found it something I’d seek to return to. 

How did you first hear about the Mazamas, and what prompted you to engage with the organization? My husband and I moved to Portland in 2019 and with the pandemic starting shortly after, I’d had trouble meeting friends and creating an outdoor community. I was looking for a way to find outdoor friends and came across the Mazamas website. 

As more people seek to recreate outdoors, what advice would you offer them? Ask for help and be open to learning. I’m always looking to learn more about how to engage in outdoor recreation more safely. 

What activities/situations/people most inspire you? I’m always inspired by the successes of women in outdoor spaces. 

What is your favorite book/movie/TV show/social media account that you follow and why? Pick one. The 2005 version of Pride & Prejudice with Kiera Knightly. It’s just a classic. 

What’s on your adventure bucket list? My brother and I have pushed each other in outdoor climbing activities even climbing Hood together for both of our first times. We have a running list including rim-to-rim in the Grand Canyon, Grand Teton, and bouldering in Thailand.

Meet the Mazamas

Julia is a recent graduate of our Basic Climbing Education Program (BCEP) who loves to eat fun snacks on big mountains! Her day job is a hydrologist at the USGS Oregon Water Science Center. Ask her about rocks!

Name:  Julia Grabowski

Pronouns:  she/her

Year Joined Mazamas: 2023

Present-day outdoor activities: rock skipping, hiking, running, climbing, Nordic skiing

What’s your earliest outdoor memory? My parents are very outdoorsy North Carolinians, and I have a lot of great, early outdoor memories. They have a picture holding me on top of Hanging Rock as a 2-week-old-infant. My best memories are from when I got to play with nature — licking icicles like popsicles on Roan Mountain, making “rock music” with my friend by throwing rocks in the water and finding salamanders in creeks with my sister.

How did you first hear about the Mazamas, and what prompted you to engage with the organization? I moved to Portland two  years ago and seemed to hear about the Mazamas from everyone. I had been looking for an outdoor community and more knowledge of mountaineering and Mazamas hit!

As more people seek to recreate outdoors, what advice would you offer them? Remember that our fun hobby is a hobby, and it’s supposed to be for fun! I get annoyed seeing people taking themselves and their activity too seriously. If you’re not having fun, you’re doing it wrong.

What activities/situations/people most inspire you? I feel really inspired by the intergenerational aspect of the Mazama community. It feels really good for my soul to be always engaged in teaching and learning at the same time, and being surrounded by people of different ages facilitates those interactions. I love learning from my elders, and teaching is also really fulfilling.

What is your favorite book/movie/TV show/social media account that you follow and why? Pick one. The “SE Taylor Street Cat News.” Someone posts a monthly page on a street corner in SE Portland describing the recent goings-on with the neighborhood cats. I’m very interested in community organization that isn’t routed through Mark Zuckerburg’s pocket and always looking for inspiration!

What’s on your adventure bucket list? I would love to go canoe/raft camping in the Northwest. That is something I used to do in the Southeast, but the Northwest rivers are more serious, and I have not felt comfortable jumping in without a supportive group with me. 

Meet the Mazamas

Kellie’s always had a deep connection with nature. It’s sparked a love for adventure, which has led her to beautiful rivers and up and around mountains.

She enjoys fly fishing with her partner on Central Oregon rivers and climbing mountains with the Mazamas. She also has hiked the Timberline Trail, which she’lll be doing again this year, along with the Wonderland Trail, and the Tour Du Mont Blanc at the end of August.

Her passion for mountaineering is growing, and she’s summited Mt. St. Helens, South Sister and Mt. Adams with the Mazamas so far. She says there is nothing like working with an amazing team on a climb, standing on the summit, taking in the views and feeling accomplished. But she also is also drawn to the solitude of a quiet forest, where she can breathe, meditate and enjoy the smells and sounds. Kellie says she is constantly seeking new adventures, challenges and ways to connect with the natural world.

Name:  Kellie Peaslee

Pronouns:  She/Her

Year Joined Mazamas: 2023

Present-day outdoor activities:  Hiking, Mountaineering, Fly Fishing

What’s your earliest outdoor memory? Growing up, my mom would take my two sisters and I hiking on our local hiking trails in Corvallis, Ore. We always had a great time. But, to get us to hike a bit further, mom would always say “the waterfall is just around the corner,” and we’d happily continue down the trail. Spoiler: usually there was no waterfall on the hike! 

How did you first hear about the Mazamas, and what prompted you to engage with the organization? I discovered the Mazamas in 2022, when I was advancing in my hikes. I wanted to hike longer, hike harder and find even better views. When those lead me to mountains, I realized I’d like to continue this activity for a long time, so I might as well learn more skills and learn how to hike mountains safely. With some simple online searching, I found the Mazamas.I started to get excited about my growth in the adventure world when I discovered all the classes offered and the opportunities the Mazamas provided. Shortly after, I participated in the Basic Climbing Education Program (BCEP), and it had such a positive impact on my life! I do want to give a shout out to Justin Colquhoun and Joe Preston for leading an amazing BCEP class and teaching us skills to climb safely and efficiently! 

As more people seek to recreate outdoors, what advice would you offer them? Don’t be afraid to try new things. Find an outdoor community. You’ll make like-minded friends, adventure buddies, learn new ways of doing things you already love and find a supportive community. 

What activities/situations/people most inspire you? I’m inspired by people who are dedicated to overcoming challenges. I love nothing more than learning a lesson nature intended to give me and then going back to accomplish my task. Whether climbing a mountain, running a certain distance, or trying something new for the first time. I’m inspired by those who push themselves out of their comfort zone to discover their limits and enjoy life while doing so.

What is your favorite book/movie/TV show/social media account that you follow and why? Into the Wild by John Krakauer. Chris McCandless, whom the book was written about, is truly the inspiration. Not only do I think the book was captivating, but it also reminded me that you can be whoever you want in this world. It reminds me to be comfortable in my own skin and to not feel like I have to live by societal pressures. I can follow my passions. 

What’s on your adventure bucket list? My goal since joining the Mazamas is to climb the 16 peaks. I’d love to end up a climb leader, if that’s my intended path. I also plan to adventure to other countries with my significant other to enjoy different cultures and explore the world. 

Meet the Mazamas

Joe, who will turn 80 in July, has been active with the Mazamas since the late 70’s. He still leads at least one or two climbs each year and is set to refresh his Mountaineering First Aid skills with the Mazamas in the fall. Below he shares his history with the organization:

Growing up in Portland, views of Mt Hood and Mount St. Helens were a constant and instilled a latent desire to climb those puppies. However, my parents were from East Texas and didn’t have much of an outdoor, much less, climbing tradition. I spent many hours on our farm in Sunnyside wandering through the forest and spent the summer after my senior year in high school on a forest fire crew, but my outdoor skill set was not very developed.

In 1977, when I ended a 10-year active-duty stint with the US Navy and moved back to Portland, I was focused on signing-up for the Mazama Basic Climbing Education Program (BCEP), which I completed in 1978. That spring I climbed Mt. Hood and became a Mazama member. That summer I also climbed Mount St. Helens, and Middle and South Sister. (My second Hood climb with the Mazamas was on May 18, 1980, and we were able to observe the eruption of Mount St. Helens from the summit.)

The next 10 years were mostly filled with family responsibilities: US Navy Reserve weekends, work as a marketing manager at Tektronix, and a slow slog to complete a computer engineering degree at the University of Portland.  I was able to get in two to four climbs a year and received the Guardian Peaks Award in 1982. For a couple of years, I had a three-week teaching gig at the US Navy Intelligence School in Denver, CO and was able to hook-up with the Colorado Mountaineering Club to do some climbs with them.

In December 1988, I attended my last Navy Reserve drill weekend and finished my engineering degree in April 1989. I immediately signed up for Intermediate Climbing School (ICS). I started going on more climbs, received the Oregon Cascades Award in 1989, started helping with Basic Climbing School, was selected as a climb leader in 1991, and received the 16 NW peaks award in 1992. This was also about the time I became infected with the State Highpointing bug.

I led probably 15 BCEP sessions and was on the Climbing Committee in 1994 and 1995. I was the assistant ICS coordinator in 1994 and lead in 1995. I also wrote and distributed, by mail, the Climb Leader Newsletter and was the Climb schedule coordinator. One of my strong inputs on CC was the creation of a Climb Leader Development Program to ensure that Mazama climb leaders had a full set of verified skills to enhance climb safety. In May 1994, I and two other Mazamas made it up to 16,000 feet on Denali but had to back off due to one of the party members being unable to continue. Being my first high-altitude climb, this was a massive learning experience. In 1995, I started assisting Doug Wilson in joint climbs with the Toyama Mountaineering Club in Japan. They climbed with us several times, and we were able to go to Japan and climb with them. A very special experience!

The Mazamas were slow, even resistant to transition to the digital age—no email or webpage. In the mid-90’s, I lobbied for a FAX machine, and it was reluctantly finally approved. Now we could FAX stuff to the office and not have to drive down or mail it. I grew increasingly frustrated with how hard it was to schedule climbs, file climb reports, and generally communicate anything with the Mazama office.  I became chair of the Financial Affairs Committee in 1998 and focused on ways to be more efficient in tracking finances. We had one staff member, the Secretary, who finally got a computer running MS-DOS, and was entering all the financial information into Lotus 123.

In 1998, I was nominated and elected to the Executive Council through 2001, and served as Membership Secretary, Treasurer, and Vice-President. While many people were involved and worked hard to implement the following initiatives, I provided strong input and worked on implementation:

  • Establish the position of Executive Director, in addition to Board Secretary.
  • Hire an individual with strong computer and web development skills to fill the Board Secretary position. I interviewed John Godino and recommended he be hired.
  • Build a Mazama website and email newsletters
  • Conduct a member survey to better determine demographics and obtain input for the future direction of the organization.
  • As Treasurer, I implemented an actual budgeting process and pushed a dues increase to offset ongoing deficits.
  • Helped smooth over relations between the Lodge managers and the Lodge Committee, as well as help develop a positions and responsibilities document for the Lodge Committee.
  • Worked with Peter Green and Ian Wade to write an accident report, analyze Mazama activities, and develop risk management procedures.
  • Established that we needed to move from our leased space on NW 19th.

In 1998, I retired from Tektronix and built an outdoor adventure company, Oregon Peak Adventures. We climbed, led hikes and multiday backpacks, and taught outdoor skills classes through PCC and the metro Park & Recs and did a couple of international trips a year. I was unable to lead BCEP classes or many Mazama climbs and run my business, but still stayed involved with the organization. In 2013, I did my last company trip. In 2000, I led an outing to Kilimanjaro and in 2013 led a trip, assisted by Eugene Lewins, to China and Tibet.

I still led a few climbs each year and was awarded the #16 Leuthold Award in 2004 and the #5 Terry Becker Award in 2009. I continued to lead snowshoe, XC skiing, and hikes as well.

Over the years, I led Outings to complete the Oregon Coast Trail, backpack the Oregon section of the Pacific Crest Trail, led climbs to summit all 31 of the Oregon peaks over 9,000 feet, and all the Oregon County Highpoints. In 2008, I summitted Mt. Marcy in New York for my 49th state highpoint. I was Chair of the Outings Committee for three years.

 I have slowed down in my dotage (I turn 80 in July), but I am still a qualified e-level climb leader (at least when I complete the MFA session in November). My current project is to climb the 100 highest peaks in Oregon (I am up to 80) and I try to lead a couple of climbs a year on the remaining peaks.

The Mazamas have been a constant focus of my life since 1978, and I have made many friends and have many memorable experiences because of my association with the organization. I look forward to maintaining my membership and engaging in further adventures.

Name:  Joe Whittington

Pronouns:  He/Him

Year Joined Mazamas: 1978

Present-day outdoor activities:  Slow – climbing, hiking, snowshoeing, and skiing.

What’s your earliest outdoor memory? Wandering around the forest on our farm and adjacent property.

How did you first hear about the Mazamas, and what prompted you to engage with the organization? I believe I heard about the Mazamas during my senior year at Portland State in 1966 just prior to going on active duty with the Navy.

As more people seek to recreate outdoors, what advice would you offer them? Find joy in having a well-conditioned body and find mentors who are willing and pleased to teach you the skills you need to enjoy the activities.

What activities/situations/people most inspire you? I read the book, Annapurna, by Maurice Herzog and it blew my mind. I had many Mazama members who mentored and trained me, and I have met many world-class climbers who have inspired me as well.

What is your favorite book/movie/TV show/social media account that you follow and why? Pick one. I read a lot, but am a huge fan of Craig Johnson and his Longmire series.

What’s on your adventure bucket list? Climbing as many of the 100 highest peaks in Oregon while I still am able.

Meet the Mazamas

Michele joined the Mazamas a few years ago, looking for adventure after her children finished high school. Initially, she started participating in local hikes and was excited to join Round the Mountain in 2022. Then she took the Basic Climbing Education Program (Team JJ’s Commandos) and Backcountry Alpine Ski Touring courses and continues to advance her climbing skills. She is an active member of the Trail Trips Committee, and recently became the hike leader training assistant. When not out in the wild, she runs a specialized private practice serving students with dyslexia and is a passionate literacy advocate.

Name:  Michele Scherer Barnett

Pronouns:  she/her

Year Joined Mazamas: 2022

Present-day outdoor activities:  Hiking and skiing – downhill, Nordic, and backcountry

What’s your earliest outdoor memory? I grew up in the Bay Area, and I remember going to Stinson Beach and being cold and wrapped up in a blanket, and having a lot of sand in my peanut butter sandwich because it was so windy. 

How did you first hear about the Mazamas, and what prompted you to engage with the organization? I was prompted to engage with Mazamas partly because my kids were finishing high school, and I started carving out some time for my own adventures. I joined the Oregon Nordic Club and started backcountry Nordic skiing, and many ONC members talked about their Mazamas experiences. So when I wanted to start doing longer hikes in new areas, I thought I would check out Mazamas. I tried a day hike and had a great day, so I kept coming back for more. I never dreamed that would lead me back to things like rock climbing again because I had thought those days were over for me, but instead one thing just keeps leading to the next.

As more people seek to recreate outdoors, what advice would you offer them? Learn to use at least one good GPS app on your phone and practice with it. 

What activities/situations/people most inspire you? All of the volunteer leaders and assistants in the Mazamas programs inspire me. It’s amazing how many people are actively spending their time doing this, how dedicated they are, and they are genuinely encouraging people.

What is your favorite book/movie/TV show/social media account that you follow and why? Pick one.  The book called, “A Fortunate Life,” by Albert Facey, an autobiography. I like memoirs and real stories better than fiction. I love his natural storytelling ability, self awareness, survival and gratitude for his wife and family. What’s on your adventure bucket list? Hiking and skiing in the Alps, Nordic skiing in Norway, Alpine Touring in Canada.

Meet the Mazamas

Despite an MS diagnosis in 2016, Justine is a dedicated runner, and not just a runner – an Ultra runner thanks to an effective immunosuppressive drug, dedication and determination. 

After earning her PhD, she returned home to Portland from the East Coast to be closer to family and works for a charitable nonprofit, where she oversees research quality and addresses a wide range of policy issues globally. 

Justine, a vegan, yogi, climber and cyclist, in addition to Ultra runner, aims to inspire others with MS to believe in possibilities and thrive, not merely survive.

Name:  Justine Calcagno 

Pronouns:  she/her

Year Joined Mazamas: 2024

Present-day outdoor activities: I’m happiest in the mountains and nature. I’m primarily a trail and ultrarunner. I enjoy long endurance adventures and trail races, preferably on mountains. I also enjoy rock climbing, road and gravel biking, and alpine and Nordic skiing. Really, give me an endurance adventure in the mountains and I’m a happy camper. 

What’s your earliest outdoor memory? I loved Outdoor School so much! Growing up in Oregon we were lucky enough to get to go to a summer camp setting for about a week, during the school year, to learn about the outdoors and environment and explore nature. I loved it!

How did you first hear about the Mazamas, and what prompted you to engage with the organization? One of my best friends is a badass mountaineer babe, and she does a lot with the Mazamas. She encouraged me to take the Basic Climbing Education Program (BCEP). I have had very piecemeal learning around outdoor skills, climbing, mountaineering, etc. and I wanted a holistic course that could bring everything together. My friend thought BCEP would be perfect for that. And she was right!

As more people seek to recreate outdoors, what advice would you offer them? Be brave and be kind. Seek out the adventures that call to you. You are capable of so much more than you know. Be brave and pursue your outdoor recreation goals. And also remember that you share this Earth. Be kind to other people, plants, and animals. Pick up after yourself, leave no trace, and treat other people recreating with respect and kindness.

What activities/situations/people most inspire you? Lately I’ve been very inspired by the amazing women runners, mountaineers, and adventurers we have in Portland. Women are doing some incredible endurance events and adventures. It’s a really special community that I’m grateful to be part of.

What is your favorite book/movie/TV show/social media account that you follow and why? Pick one. Recently I’ve been watching a lot of Sally McRae’s YouTube channel and follow her on Instagram (@Yellowrunner). She’s an incredible ultrarunner with strong will and determination and an inspiring spirit. I just started reading her book.

What’s on your adventure bucket list? I would love to run or fastpack Wonderland trail on Mt. Rainier and see how quickly I can cover all 93 miles and 21,810’ of gain/loss!

Meet the Mazamas

Connor Carroll is an avid backpacker, mountaineer and climber from Austin, Texas. Connor is an Oregon State University alumnus and since her undergraduate degree, calls Oregon and the Pacific Northwest home. After moving back to Oregon in 2020, she rediscovered her love for the mountains and noticed the profound impact on her depression, anxiety and disorder, Trichotillomania. Connor previously worked as an environmental educator and is now the Training and Recruiting Manager with People and Culture for Next Adventure. She spends her free time adventuring in the mountains with her Jack Russell, Dan.

Name:  Connor Carroll

Pronouns:  She/Her/Hers

Year Joined Mazamas: 2022

Present-day outdoor activities:  Backpacking, mountaineering, alpine and backcountry skiing, rock climbing, swimming in remote alpine lakes, and Stand Up Paddle Boarding.

What’s your earliest outdoor memory? Growing up with a father who was a Colorado native, I was fortunate enough to be introduced to backpacking at a young age. At just 5 years old, my family backpacked the Blue Lake Trail near Mt. Sneffels in the San Juans. We enjoyed simple snacks of Vienna sausages, frolicked in snow patches nestled on the mountainside, played on a log over a rushing creek, and my twin brother and I shared laughs in our sleeping bags on the forest floor. However, that adventure also marked my first encounter with altitude sickness. Struggling with the symptoms, my father had to carry me down the mountain. Since then, I’ve become overly cautious about altitude sickness, as it seems I’m particularly susceptible to it.

How did you first hear about the Mazamas, and what prompted you to engage with the organization?  Hold on…this is a long one!

Apart from a brief stint on the PCT in northern Washington after college, I hadn’t explored backpacking in the Pacific Northwest. Eager for an adventure summer of 2020, I settled on the Wallowas in Eastern Oregon for my first backpacking trip back in the PNW. The plan was to trek 9 miles to Ice Lake, unwind by the frozen lake, and summit Matterhorn, a peak standing at 9,826 ft. Being from Texas, I had little experience with snow, so I was surprised to find Ice Lake frozen, and Matterhorn covered in snow in early July. (Now – not so surprising HA)

The following day, we joined two seasoned hikers for a summit attempt on Matterhorn. As we ascended, there was a steep snow patch above Ice Lake that we had to cross. Due to my inadequate footwear, I slipped numerous times, almost risking falling into the ice-covered lake below. Thankfully, the quick reflexes of one of the men saved me each time I slipped. I’m forever grateful! Since I was unable to cross without slipping, we navigated through scree to bypass the snow patch. Despite the initial scare, we continued, scrambling over rocks and wading through deep snow until safety concerns prompted us to turn around. The views were unforgettable, and we descended by glissading down Matterhorn.

The rest was history; I was hooked. Eager to pursue mountain climbing safely (not slipping into an icy lake), I sought guidance. In March 2021, with the help of my friend Marisa Carrion, an experienced mountaineer, I conquered my first volcano, Mt. St. Helens. Marisa recommended Mazamas and encouraged me to enroll in a beginner course so I could join her on more technical climbs. At the time I was unsure due to time and financial constraints.

However, in the summer of 2021, I went backpacking solo in the Alpine Lakes Wilderness. Following what I thought was the “off-trail trail”, I boulder hopped and soon found myself on the left side of the ridge. According to my GPS I was supposed to be on the right side of the ridge. Looking for another way around, it became evident that another way was impossible. I made the call to return to the lower lake to camp. While hiking down, I lost my footing and fell 15 feet, hitting my head on a rock.

To this day, I remember the slow-motion experience of my fall. When I landed, blood covered my face and head. I looked like I walked out of a horror film. I quickly took my pack off to get my first aid kit.  I kept repeating, “you’re okay, you’re fine.” I wanted to believe the words I was saying, after all, my worst fear had finally happened; I was alone in the wilderness and injured. I quickly put pressure on the wound on my head to stop the bleeding. Fortunately, at the lower lake there was a team of climbers that quickly noticed my head bandage and frazzled demeanor. They greeted me, sat me down, thoroughly cleaned out my wound and continued to monitor my state. I learned that this group of climbers met through a Seattle alpine club called The Mountaineers. The bond this team had was supportive and special. Where could I find a group of people that would have my back in the mountains? Mazamas.

I decided to apply for the Basic Climbing Education Program with Mazamas to gain the proper education and build a community that could help me work through my new PTSD. I was fortunate to have been accepted and to join Pushkar Dixit’s team, where I met some truly remarkable individuals that I now call my dear friends. After BCEP, I continued with my education and applied for ICS in 2022. Between BCEP and ICS I’ve had the pleasure of climbing 11 peaks. I cannot wait to see what the summer of 2024 will hold!

As more people seek to recreate outdoors, what advice would you offer them? Challenge yourself and step out of your comfort zone; that’s how I have such a range of outdoor hobbies. It’s terrifying! But by taking chances, I now am part of an amazing climbing community and I have been able witness some of the most breathtaking places. While it’s inevitable that bad things can occur in the backcountry, like my fall, it hasn’t kept me from pursuing what I love. Instead, I view each experience as an opportunity to learn and grow as an outdoorswoman.

What activities/situations/people most inspire you? It’s truly inspiring to witness how individuals who have overcome adversity, whether it’s a physical disability, mental health challenges, or unfortunate life events, find solace and healing in nature and the wilderness. As someone who deals with mental health issues and has faced setbacks, I’m deeply moved when I see people triumph over their struggles and continue to embrace the beauty and imperfections of life!

What is your favorite book/movie/TV show/social media account that you follow and why? “Fried Green Tomatoes” holds a special place in my heart. While my father is from Denver, my mother is from New Orleans. A lot of my childhood was in New Orleans, visiting multiple times a year. Growing up in the South and in an Italian family, cooking is deeply ingrained in our culture. This film is not just about cooking/fried green tomatoes; it’s about women, their strength, their love, and how they navigate life. It evokes a strong sense of home for me.

What’s on your adventure bucket list? I sadly lost my Uncle Andy at a young age, but my father has kept his adventurous spirit alive. Here’s an article about my Uncle Andy that our family finds hilarious:

Since I was a kid, I’ve always associated my Uncle Andy with The Andes in South America. I have always wanted to visit and backpack in The Andes. Now that I have mountaineering and climbing experience, exploring this range in a more technical sense would feel like a meaningful tribute to my Uncle Andy and his deep love for the mountains.

Meet the Mazamas

Aimee grew up getting dirty in the Utah Mountains, where she says backpacking and skiing were just the way of life. A former Mazama Board Member, Aimee has helped out with many of our class offerings, from Advanced Rock to First Aid. When not adventuring, Aimee is the co-founder and director of operations for Graphic 45, an award-winning scrapbook and paper crafting company. 

Name:  Aimee Filimoehala

Pronouns:  she/her

Year Joined Mazamas: 2017

Present-day outdoor activities:  I love being in the mountains, especially off the beaten path. My favorite activities include rock, ice, and alpine climbing, and exploring the mountains on skis.  

What’s your earliest outdoor memory?  I was fortunate to grow up in Utah at the foothills of the Wasatch Mountains, where I was exposed to hiking and skiing as a child. 

How did you first hear about the Mazamas, and what prompted you to engage with the organization?  After hiking and backpacking for years, I decided to climb Mount Adams. Early into the climb, I grasped that alpine climbing was much more demanding and consequential than your typical hike. I realized I wanted to acquire the necessary skills to be safe in the mountains, and I signed up for the Basic Climbing Education Program (BCEP) the next spring.

As more people seek to recreate outdoors, what advice would you offer them?  Join an organization like the Mazamas or a meet-up group. I’ve met many amazing nature-loving people who have taught me so much.  

What activities/situations/people most inspire you?   I’m inspired by the members of Portland Mountain Rescue and the time they volunteer to help with Search and Rescue (SAR) missions on Mount Hood.

What is your favorite book/movie/TV show/social media account that you follow and why? Pick one. is a great resource for PNW climbing information like GPX tracks and route beta!  I’ve downloaded maps and tracks for dozens of climbs.

What’s on your adventure bucket list? I’m hoping to get down to Peru and explore some of the Cordillera Blanca soon.

Meet the Mazamas

Flora is an elder in both the Mazamas and the Quinault Indian Nation in Washington state. She jokes that just means she’s old, but in fact, she’s been very involved for many years in both organizations. She climbed 40 mountains – never the same one – and was active in trail tending for the Mazamas. At 88, she says this winter’s ski trip to Eastern Oregon might be her last, and it’s time to hang up her skis. But she plans to continue to lead “old lady hikes,” for the Mazamas as long as she can.

When not outdoors, Flora’s had a varied career, washing dishes in hospital kitchens, driving a school bus, testing water quality, helping with cardiac research and volunteering at the Forest Center at Multnomah Falls. She is a retired RN. 

Name:  Flora Huber

Pronouns:  She/her

Year Joined Mazamas: 1954

Present-day outdoor activities:  Leading “little old lady hikes”

What’s your earliest outdoor memory? That’d have to be clam digging on the coast or bullfrog fishing on the Willamette River with my family and my father and his friends. 

How did you first hear about the Mazamas, and what prompted you to engage with the organization? I had a teacher at Lincoln High School, Mrs. Obie, who was a sponsor for our square dancing club. She was a Mazama, her and her husband. We’d ride up to the Mazama Lodge in the back of their jeep with a bunch of kids. This was before seatbelt laws. We’d rent the stove at the lodge for 50 cents a day, so we could cook our breakfasts. Mrs. Obie taught me how to ski. Once I learned, I’d hitchhike up to Timberline Lodge and huff it up the Glade Trail because I didn’t have $5 for the lift ticket. 

As more people seek to recreate outdoors, what advice would you offer them? Just keep going and persist. There’s going to be more and more people. Get up early and get out on the trail.

What activities/situations/people most inspire you? Mazama climb leaders have always inspired me, and I had so many good ones. They’re just wonderful people who devote their time and energy to the outdoors.

What is your favorite book/movie/TV show/social media account that you follow and why? Pick one. I just read a book called Letters from Yellowstone. It compiled letters from a woman who was a med student who traveled to Yellowstone to be part of a group that cataloged flowers and vegetation in Yellowstone. Of course, it was the turn of the century, and she was quite an activist and loved the outdoors. I found it so very fascinating, how she persisted in her quest despite people who thought she wasn’t capable of being a scientist because she was a woman. Apparently there’s supposed to be another follow up book.

What’s on your adventure bucket list? Nothing too exotic. I’ll be leading a hike next Tuesday, and I hope to keep doing that three or four times a month. That’s adventure enough.

A Mazama Summit Certificate from Flora’s first climb.

Meet the Mazamas

Ann Marie graduated from high school in Japan before settling in the Pacific Northwest and calling it home. She fell in love with the outdoors while in college,  where she was introduced to climbing in 1991. She climbed a lot in the early years before moving to the Midwest and starting a family. Upon returning to the Northwest in 2004, she got back into climbing and wanted to find a group to climb with. Finding the Mazamas opened a whole new world of adventuring. Ann Marie is a provisional leader in the Leadership Development (LD) program.

Name:  Ann Marie Caplan

Pronouns:  She/her

Year Joined Mazamas: 2018

Present-day outdoor activities:  Rock climbing, cycling, alpine in the summer

What’s your earliest outdoor memory?  I remember hiking with my family when we lived in Hawaii. On one hike, we had found an abandoned kitten that they let me take home and keep. 

How did you first hear about the Mazamas, and what prompted you to engage with the organization? I learned about the Mazamas from a friend, Mark Milobinski.  He was a climb leader and was going to lead a couple climbs (Hood and Eldorado) and invited me to come along.  I joined so I could climb with him.  I then decided to take ICS (Intermediate Climbing School) to brush up on my skills and be more in line with “the Mazama way” of doing things. From that point on, I was all in with the organization. I was drawn in by the community of like-minded climbers who love to adventure like I do.  

As more people seek to recreate outdoors, what advice would you offer them?  Don’t worry about being the strongest or fastest. There are plenty of us who are here for the people and the journey.  

What activities/situations/people most inspire you? I am inspired by people who push themselves to do things they may feel they are not ready to do. My favorite thing about assisting on climbs is the pure joy people feel when they overcome mental or physical challenges they otherwise may not have done without the Mazamas.

What is your favorite book/movie/TV show/social media account that you follow and why? Pick one.  This is a tough one, as I am not one to choose favorites.  I am a fan of Alpine Savvy because John Godino is cool. (@alpinesavvy on Instagram)

What’s on your adventure bucket list? I’ve always wanted to trek to Everest Base Camp.  I would love to see the Khumbu Ice fall in person.