The Mazamas Opposes PGE’s Power Line Construction in Forest Park

Letter sent by Rebekah Phillips, Mazama Executive Director on behalf of the Mazamas to Morgan Steele, City of Portland Environmental City Planner

Dear Ms. Steele,

Established in 1894 on the summit of Mt. Hood, the Mazamas is an Oregon-based 501(c)3 with a proud tradition of providing excellence in climbing education, leadership, and conservation in the Pacific Northwest. Our mission – to build a community that inspires everyone to love and protect the mountains – is carried out in partnership with more than 300 highly dedicated volunteers through education programs, climbs and hikes, stewardship activities, and scientific research. Current membership includes about 3,000 individuals.

Many Mazama members have been involved with Portland’s Forest Park from the beginnings of the park in 1946; in fact, many of the original committee of 50 that urged the city to make this area a city park were Mazama members, including the founder and chair of this committee, Ding Cannon. Our roots run deep with Forest Park, and we continue today to host many of our local outdoor activities in the park.

We are deeply concerned with PGE’s revised land-use application in the north end of the park, which proposes to clear cut 4.7 acres of 150+ year old Douglas fir and bigleaf maple trees and proposes to remove five white oak trees estimated to be 170-500 years old. In total, the proposal includes the removal of 376 living trees and 21 dead trees. It will permanently fill at least two wetlands and disrupt two streams that support multiple species of aquatic wildlife.

According to PGE, Phase 5 of this project may impact another 15 acres of Forest Park to the northwest and west potentially disrupting the Miller Creek watershed which contains salmon habitat. Should Phase 3 be approved, it will pave the way to Phase 5 as the “least expensive” alternative.

This area of land lies within the City’s Environmental Conservation and Environmental Protection overlay zones, and also within the City’s Forest Park Natural Resources Management Plan (FPNRMP). Legally, PGE must comply with this plan unless they can prove that there is no alternative to meet their obligation to provide reliable power. We are not convinced that PGE has investigated alternatives, nor have they been forthcoming with convincing information that they have tried to do so. Such information was requested as far back as 2022, and although a report on this was delivered to PGE by a private consultant at that time, it was not made available until a few weeks ago. Now PGE has released the report after withholding this information from the public for two years, and is requesting urgency on this matter to be decided.

As documented in the City of Portland’s 2012 Forest Park Wildlife Report, the northern area of Forest Park is home to over 200 species of interest, either listed, candidate, sensitive, or of concern at the State and Federal level. It is rich in wildlife structural diversity including larger trees, standing snags, and native understory. One of the streams that would be denuded is habitat for the northern red-legged frog, an at-risk species as noted in the Special Status and At-Risk Species List prepared by the City of Portland in 2022.

Ecological impact on the protected area of Forest Park would not be restricted to the area targeted for clear-cut. The edges of this pristine coniferous forest would be susceptible to plant invasions (ivy, blackberry, garlic mustard and others) that degrade forest health and limit diversity of species supported by the Park, tree blow-down from storms, land-slides, temperature increases which can weaken the forest making trees susceptible to insect and disease invasions. The slopes in this area of the Park are extremely steep, as documented in the Toth report, making this landscape prone to landslides when vegetation is removed.

Mitigation is not a solution for the environmental impact caused by power lines. Once a corridor is widened or opened, it is continually maintained in a manner that does not resemble the original natural state of the land. Proposing that this can somehow be compensated by improving other areas is ludicrous.

There are two more phases that PGE wants to follow up with. If this proposal is approved, against the overlay zones and long-ago approved FPNRMP, it will become a slippery slope – there would be an expectation that the following two phases could also be approved, incrementally increasing total impact to the north end of the park.

On behalf of the Mazama Board of Directors, Conservation Committee, and membership, I urge the City of Portland to reject this proposal.

Rebekah Phillips
Executive Director

Learn more

Correction: The title of this post has been changed for clarity.

The Mazama Centennial Trail Endures, Delights

Ever since our founding in 1894, the Mazamas wanted a presence on Mt. Hood in an effort to demonstrate the importance of this mountain and our organization’s devotion to it. The Mazama Trail was conceived as a way to mark our 100 years of existence, which began at the summit of Mt. Hood in 1894.

The closure and abandonment of the Cathedral Ridge trail in the late ‘80s made way for the creation of the Mazama Trail, located on the Northwest side of Mt. Hood. It took nearly a decade from conception. In that time, volunteers tended to constant blowdowns, out-of-control huckleberries, rhododendrons and underbrush that overtook the trail. The Mazamas worked on ridge reconstruction, switchback creation and obvious rest spots.

Photo by Mary Spiering

Since the successful completion of the Mazama Trail in 1994, the area has withstood the Dollar Lake fire in 2011 and ongoing winter storms. And every year, we tend to it, to ensure it remains an enjoyable trail, which we did this past weekend.

Photo by Gina Binole

Over the course of three days in July, and an advanced scouting trip in June by Trail Tending leader Rick Pope, more than 30 people, the oldest being 90, cut out 32 logs, brushed back about 3 miles of trail, cleared out 60 drain dips, initiated ¼ mile of tread repair and hauled 50 buckets of gravel, which was spread, or stashed in strategic locations. It required about 257 hours of volunteer time, plus 36 hours of scouting time in June for a total of 293 hours.

For the uninitiated, the Mazama Trail serves as a ridge crest connector to a number of destinations, such as McNeil Point, Cairn Basin, Dollar Lake and the Timberline Trail. It offers the diversity of shady forest, a couple of springs, a talus-filled gully, a rhododendron alley, gorgeous views of Mt. Hood and more.

Photo by Brandy Quinn

Earth Day Work Parties

Compiled by the Mazama Conservation Committee

It’s April, and quite naturally Earth Day-themed events abound.

There are trash pickups, workshops on composting and tending native plants, and countless activities that let young children dig in the dirt, explore flora and fauna and learn how to help Mother Nature every day.

For Mazamas – who, shall we say, lean toward more vigorous pursuits – the calendar also offers serious roll-up-your-sleeves, lace up the boots and get after it meet-ups across the Portland-Vancouver metro area.

And that’s where we’ll focus this compilation of work party listings we unearthed for Saturday-Sunday, April 22-23:

Forest Park in Portland requires constant care in the form of trail work and pulling invasive species. This time the focus is on the Birch or Wildwood trails. April 22.

The Boise Eliot Native Grove in North Portland could use some real muscle for extensive post-digging work to place new signage. April 22.

Time to clear more ivy and other nasties from the Willow Place Natural Area along Lake Road in Milwaukie, along with planting new shrubs. April 22.

In nearly the same neck of the woods – and facing the same creepy threats – North Clackamas Park in Milwaukie needs hands-on help. April 22.

Trees along the Clackamas River near Oregon City also need serious ivy-pulling, which the Clackamas River Basin Council and Earth on the Edge has prioritized this year. April 22.

Field Bridge Park in West Linn is primed for a round of new plantings and invasive removal, organized by the Tualatin Riverkeepers. April 22.

With some modest muscle, volunteers can rid West Linn’s Palomino Park of invasive plants, as well. Sunday, April 23.

Just up the road in Lake Oswego, similar natural habitat cleanup – ivy pulling, digging, trimming and the like – will help keep Springbrook Park in good shape. April 22.

In nearby Southwest Portland is another tree care event – actually two projects along Tryon Creek, one of them near the recently rebuilt Boones Ferry Road Bridge. April 22.

Clark County, Washington, is in on the action, too. Join the Clark Public Utilities-sponsored Salmon Creek planting/restoration work just northwest of Vancouver. April 22.

There are plenty more Earth Day events in our area and beyond, designed for all ages and interests. Included are numerous cleanups, family friendly gatherings and workshops, guided hikes, and other celebrations.
            To find a good match, check with your county, or city, or parks department; your church or school; or any outdoors or volunteer organization of choice.

Here are some good links with comprehensive listings:
            (differs from):–portland/earth-day-events/


Mazama Trail Tending in 2020

Delayed But Not Stopped by COVID

August 24, 2020
By Susan Brickey

Many thanks to the twelve Mazamas and the Forest Service Volunteer Coordinator, Paul Bach, for stepping up on short notice and assuring the Mazama Trail’s legacy continues! 

Image: Three men with brightly colored safety helmets wave from the upper leg of a switchback on the Mazama Trail, Mt. Hood. The men are practicing safe physical distancing. Behind them, further up the switchback, is a tip of a small peak, with dead trees and bright green bushes surrounding it. It is a bright, sunny day with blue skies.
Mazama trail tendering volunteers on the Mazama trail. Photo: Susan Brickey. 2020.

Normally, the Mazama Trail work party is scheduled in late June after most of the snow is gone, but this year COVID-related delays by both the Forest Service and Mazamas postponed it until the heat of August.  Still, after much communication, the work went on with additional COVID protocols and special release requirements.  While we missed the Avalanche Lilies, a huge feature of the June work parties, we were delighted with the ripe huckleberries that replaced them as an enticement up the trail.

What is the legacy of the Mazama Trail?  Last year, longtime Mazama climb and hike leader Ray Sheldon retold the story for the 125th anniversary of the Mazamas.  It all started in 1994 when the Mazamas went in search of an appropriate way to celebrate its 100th anniversary. The abandoned Cathedral Ridge Trail was identified, adopted, and rebuilt!  This project took four years and involved temporary shelters to house people and gear.  When it was finished, the trail was renamed after our organization and a legacy was born.  See “Mazama Trail Construction” (DVD) in the Mazama Library for the full story and for images from the project.

The traditional three-day work parties involve camaraderie and fun, with the common goal of clearing the trail and protecting it for another year of adventuring.  Since the Dollar Lake Fire in 2011, a large part of the trail maintenance requires taking out trees that have fallen over, impeding the trail.  There are two major burn areas on the trail but in the years since the fire, huckleberries, flowers, and trees return.  One year, 75 trees fell across the trail!  This year, relatively lucky only 28 needed to be cut.  It’s a good thing that tree removal is a favorite of work parties!  However, this job is also dangerous, and saw certification training is required for the oversight. Thankfully, Mazama leader Rick Pope has that certification, which allows us to host work parties consistently.  Safety is key, especially in wilderness areas!  Don’t be discouraged if you’re new the trail tending game, though. First-timers quickly learn to handle the second side of the saws. This year, new participant Andy Klumpp took his first turn on the trip and said he’d be back to help again. We’re looking forward to it, Andy!

Mazama leaders, volunteers, and our USFS partner removed 28 trees during this work party! Photo: Susan Brickey. 2020.

Trail tending offers work for everyone.  In addition to the heavy work of removing trees, the work usually includes benching the trail to keep it wide, cutting back brush (with a benefit this year of munching the huckleberries along the way), and clearing drains to assure water runs off with all of our rains and snowmelt.  

The Mazama Trail features 14 switchbacks before you reach the Mt. Hood Wilderness boundary.  When you reach the boundary, be sure to look back over your shoulder to view the tops of Mt. Rainier, Mt. Adams, and Mt. St. Helens.  Not to mention, the breathtaking views of Mt. Hood that you are treated to at the trailhead, as well as several places along the trail. Nothing like trail work with a view (and snacks, don’t forget those huckleberries)!

Finding some huckleberry snacks along the trail. Photo: Susan Brickey. 2020.

To ensure the health of our leaders and volunteers, 2020’s sign up process limited the number of workers each day and required using the online sign-up system (the same as used when signing up for hikes and climbs). Participants in this year’s trail tending work party were Paul Bach, our Forest Service representative, Rick Pope, Mazama Lead, Sue Brickey, Asst. Lead, Mary and Dave Mullen, David Carrier, Gary Riggs, Jeff Hawkins, Andy Klumpp, John Maroney, Tom Davidson, John Meckel, and Mike Kacmar. Thank you to these dedicated and hardworking volunteers!  

Missed this year’s work party and feeling bummed? Fear not! The logs holding the switchbacks in place require replacing and gravel on the scree field needs refreshing, so be sure to watch for more trail tending work parties in the near future!