Meet the Mazamas

As leader of our Trail Trips committee, Scott gets folks connected and moving with the Mazamas via hikes, rambles and most recently, trail tending. He also spearheaded last year’s Used Equipment Sale, raising a record amount of funds for the Mazamas via that event.

When not hiking or climbing with the Mazamas, he enjoys spending time with his wife and three children, two of whom graduated high school this past spring. 

Name:  Scott Stevenson

Pronouns:  He/him

Year Joined Mazamas: 2010

Present-day outdoor activities:  Hiking/backpacking, rock climbing, biking and bikepacking

What’s your earliest outdoor memory:  Fishing at Lake Lumina, Ontario, age 5?

How did you first hear about the Mazamas, and what prompted you to engage with the organization? I was researching outdoor options before I moved to Portland in 2009, and I came across the organization. I took BCEP in 2010, mainly to find outdoor partners.

As more people seek to recreate outdoors, what advice would you offer them? Not every outdoor adventure has to involve the highest/fastest/longest/most scenic. Smell the flowers. Swim in the lake. Take an extra 15 minutes to research the less-traveled spots, and enjoy the quiet and lack of crowds.

What activities/situations/people most inspire you? Long-time Mazamas climb and hike leaders inspire me, because they share their love of the outdoors with so many others.

What is your favorite book/movie/TV show/social media account that you follow and why? I’m reaching way back into childhood here, and it’s a cliche, but The Hobbit and Lord of the RIngs trilogy were touchstones for me, and I think they planted the idea in my head that just walking out your door and through forests and over mountains were the grandest adventure one could have….”The road goes ever on…”

What’s on your adventure bucket list? A bunch of alpine rock climbs in wilderness settings, Cathedral Peak and Mt. Conness in the Sierras, Prussik Peak in the Enchantments, Pingora and Wolfs Head in the Wind River Range. Also backpacking in the Wallowas and Sawtooths, I could go on forever…