Meet the Mazamas

Gabrielle moved to Portland in 2022 and is no stranger to the mountains, having been a committee chair, trip leader, and course instructor for The Mountaineers in Washington state and mountain steward for the U.S. Forest Service and the Mount St. Helen’s Institute. When not leading hikes and activities for the Mazamas, Gabrielle has leveraged her PhD in Italian and other studies, working as an educator, program manager, and project coordinator for organizations like the University of Washington, Bellevue College, and Lake Washington Institute of Technology.

Name: Gabrielle Orsi

Pronouns: she/her

Year Joined Mazamas: 2022

Present-day outdoor activities: Trail running & fastpacking, backpacking, hiking, backcountry skiing, snowshoeing, some mountaineering … and recently I took a class on mushroom foraging! I’m also a Leave No Trace trainer and so I’m often “plogging.”

What’s your earliest outdoor memory? Playing in the yard of my childhood home in Encinitas, California, in the sunshine.

How did you first hear about the Mazamas, and what prompted you to engage with the organization? When my spouse and I relocated to Oregon from the Seattle area in 2022, a number of folks mentioned the Mazamas as a resource for getting outdoors, especially if we were interested in climbing Mt. Hood. The mission appeals to me, and I’ve been enjoying connecting with the Mazama community, both as a hike leader and as a member of the Queerzamas affinity group.

As more people seek to recreate outdoors, what advice would you offer them? A little preparation goes a long way and “hike your own hike”—do what you find engaging and interesting. Don’t worry if other people have different approaches. 

What activities/situations/people most inspire you? People who strive for excellence but also have a philosophy that is focused on growth, self-actualization, and fun, not just winning or peak-bagging, inspire me—like Eliud Kipchoge, Des Linden, Catra Corbett (DirtDiva), Yassine Diboun, Kara Goucher, Mike Wardian … the list goes on!

What is your favorite book/movie/TV show/social media account that you follow and why? Pick one. I earned my PhD in Italian in 2008 and spent years teaching Italian, so I have to say Dante’s Divine Comedy is always going to be #1 for me. I actually have a tattoo of a quote from that poem. Plus there’s actually a lot of mountain climbing in the Divine Comedy! 

What’s on your adventure bucket list? So many things! I would enjoy visiting Nepal, South America, and the Alps but closer to home I’d like to do a winter circumnavigation of Crater Lake and a winter rim-to-rim of the Grand Canyon from the North Rim. 

Meet the Mazamas

Jacob moved to Portland in 2016, partially for the outdoor lifestyle after living in North Carolina for 18 years. Jacob now leads and joins Adventurous Young Mazamas activities, including AYM climb nights. When not spending time outside, he likes to read, cook, explore new Portland restaurants and breweries and is learning the bass guitar. By day, he works as a software engineer in the healthcare space.

Name: Jacob Lippincott

Pronouns: He / Him

Year Joined Mazamas: 2022

Present-day outdoor activities: Hiking, rock climbing, mountaineering, skiing, kayaking, running

What’s your earliest outdoor memory?   Walking along the Atlantic Ocean in Rhode Island, where I was born.

How did you first hear about the Mazamas, and what prompted you to engage with the organization? Through a friend I met in Beaverton, after discovering we had a shared connection for hiking and climbing. He had recently finished the Basic Climbing Education Program (BCEP), and I joined him on a Mazama hike. I wanted to engage with the organization to meet like-minded people and take advantage of the great educational options the Mazamas has to offer. 

As more people seek to recreate outdoors, what advice would you offer them? We are incredibly lucky to have access to all kinds of outdoor activities in Oregon, but take recreation here seriously, especially when dealing with riskier activities such as climbing and mountaineering. It is important to have the skills necessary to venture into the backcountry safely. For me, that meant taking classes through the Mazamas and now assisting with other classes to help pass knowledge along. 

What activities/situations/people most inspire you? I’m inspired by those who choose to lead activities outside, whether those are Mazama climb leaders or those just taking friends out for the weekend. Those who give up personal time to make sure other people get to enjoy nature and pass along their wisdom should be celebrated.

What is your favorite book/movie/TV show/social media account that you follow and why? Pick one. My favorite outdoor-related account is the YouTube channel HowNot2. They are local, outside of Seattle, and spend time testing and breaking climbing gear to help people gain confidence in their equipment. It makes me feel better to know how strong climbing gear really is, and they present information in an entertaining yet insightful manner. 

What’s on your adventure bucket list? I’d like to go to the Arctic and see the Northern Lights, and a Narwhal. 

Meet the Mazamas

Megan joined the Mazamas in 2023 as part of the Basic Climbing Education Program (BCEP) recovery team. She enjoys hiking and rock climbing with her family all around the Northwest. She is now using her skills learned from the Mazamas to volunteer with local organizations, aiming to create inclusive outdoor experiences for underserved communities. She works in healthcare analytics, loves to travel, and is always down for a slice of pizza. 

Name:  Megan Lien

Pronouns:  she/her

Year Joined Mazamas: 2023

Present-day outdoor activities: Primarily rock climbing and hiking

What’s your earliest outdoor memory? My earliest outdoor memory is hiking with my parents and brother in the Olympic National Forest. Although I grew up in Seattle, we had a cabin on the Hood Canal, so we spent many weekends exploring the trails around the Olympic Peninsula.

How did you first hear about the Mazamas, and what prompted you to engage with the organization? I joined the Mazamas in 2023 as part of the BCEP recovery team. At the time, I was early in my sobriety, feeling isolated, and seeking a community of adventurers in recovery. My BCEP group provided exactly that, offering a transformative experience. Since then, I’ve continued to participate in Mazamas activities, climbing Mount Adams last summer and completing the Round the Mountain trek this year.

As more people seek to recreate outdoors, what advice would you offer them? Find a community and trustworthy, knowledgeable mentors. It’s great to connect with people who share your passions, but finding mentors who can teach you how to safely enjoy those activities. 

What activities/situations/people most inspire you? I’m inspired by opportunities to give back. Lately, I’ve been volunteering with organizations like Loco Por La Aventura and Recovery Outsiders, which is especially meaningful because I had mentors through BCEP who dedicated their time to helping me. One very recent experience, I was volunteering at Broughton’s Bluff with Loco Por La Aventura, where we introduced 20 participants, mostly from the Latino community, to outdoor rock climbing—many for the first time. Seeing them overcome their fears and try something new was incredibly rewarding.

What is your favorite book/movie/TV show/social media account that you follow and why? Pick one.  Lately, I’ve been really enjoying watching big, over-the-top action movies like The Meg, and the Godzilla vs. Kong franchises with my 8-year-old. It’s a fun way to bond and share in the excitement of these larger-than-life adventures.

What’s on your adventure bucket list? My next goal is climbing and tackling the via Ferrata in Ouray, Colorado. In the future, I’d love to do a lodge-to-lodge trek on the Camino del Apu Ausangate in Peru.

Meet the Mazamas

Sabrina comes to Portland via Austin, Texas, a place she liked but left her longing for a community of likeminded outdoor enthusiasts. She discovered the Mazamas shortly after moving to the Rose City and is an active participant in our SheTheyUs affinity group activities. When not outdoors, Sabrina works as an environmental health consultant.

Name:  Sabrina Wolfe

Pronouns:  She/Her

Year Joined Mazamas: 2024

Present-day outdoor activities:  Climbing, skiing, hiking, backpacking, surfing, biking, running…honestly anything outdoors 

What’s your earliest outdoor memory? I remember playing in the woods near my neighborhood park in elementary school. I remember “venturing” off the path (probably 50 feet even though it felt like an expedition) and finding a small creek and grassy island. I spent many hours running around that creek bed. I remember loving the feeling of being immersed by the woods and feeling like I had the woods to myself. 

How did you first hear about the Mazamas, and what prompted you to engage with the organization? I started to look into mountaineering courses/groups and found Mazamas online. I remember an old roommate mentioned them in passing once but I didn’t look into Mazamas until I started to seek out a community of outdoor hobbyists who were looking to climb outside, expand their skills, and build community. I had climbed in other she/they/us groups and really enjoyed the inclusion and empowering nature of the groups so I was very stoked to see Mazamas also had she/they/us climbs and activities!

As more people seek to recreate outdoors, what advice would you offer them? The outdoors can be thrilling and beautiful, as well as, (insert favorite cuss word here) challenging. Everyone encounters mental and physical barriers during activities. There are days you’ll send everything you touch and other days you question what you’re doing off the couch. Be kind to yourself and listen to what your body’s needs/limits are for the day. Most importantly, don’t forget to take a second to stop and appreciate the views. 

What activities/situations/people most inspire you? I am most inspired by activities that force you to be present. Sometimes life feels like it is moving too fast or stressors seem too prevalent. I appreciate activities that let my anxiety, depression, and/or incessant thoughts fade away and push me to live in the moment.

What is your favorite book/movie/TV show/social media account that you follow and why? Pick one. Oh goodness. If we are answering vulnerably I would probably say SheMovesMountains (rock climbing guide service that aims to empower women and gender minorities through retreats and clinics). Before I moved to Portland, I lived in Austin, TX. While I have an amazing family and friend group in Austin, I felt like I was missing something. I craved an outdoor community, especially an outdoor climbing community. I found SheMovesMountains on Instagram and started attending their guided retreats and clinics. I quickly found a community of empowering badass people that inspired me in climbing and in everyday life. I moved to Portland a year later to find a like minded outdoor community and haven’t looked back. 

What’s on your adventure bucket list? Climb, ski, and backpack in the Chamonix mountains and Dolomites, no doubt. 

Mazama Lodge Update—Message from the Executive Director

By next month’s end, the Mazama Lodge will finally have a new roof! Over the past year, we’ve stressed the importance of this step in caring for and maintaining the lodge, but there’s much more progress to report as we continue to prepare the facility for its much-anticipated re-opening.

Last March, the Board of Directors engaged consultant Chris Jaworski of Five Stakes to identify the steps required to open and operate the lodge as an overnight facility. The goal was, and remains, a phased reopening of the lodge—first to members and then to the general public—to transform the lodge into a revenue-positive asset that advances our mission, furthers brand recognition, and reflects our values.

Both a Mazama member and a board member, Chris’ familiarity with the organization provides him with critical insight into the successes and failures of past operating models, as well as our unique need to support our education programs through use of the lodge. Chris’ career in the hospitality industry means he also brings an acute understanding of the ins and outs of facility operations. Chris (who has, per board policy, disclosed a conflict of interest and does not vote on lodge-related matters) was hired specifically to:

1. Assess the lodge for health and safety compliance, and help us bring it up to code where needed
2. Develop and document standard operating and emergency management procedures
3. Identify and build relationships with potential vendors to support equipment, repairs, supplies, and food and beverage
4. Recommend a business model, including staffing operations and a reservation management platform

Inspired and excited by the prospect of what the lodge can ultimately be, it’s been an exercise in prioritization as we find solutions suited to our immediate needs and means as a non-profit. But with additional help from staff and volunteers, we’ve managed to make considerable progress in just five months. As we continue to chip away at both necessities and niceties, fire and kitchen safety now meet required standards, faucets, toilets, and pipes have been repaired throughout the building, procedure manuals have been created, preventative maintenance schedules have been established, and reliable phone and internet is on the way. As you may know, the lodge roof has been paid for thanks to members stepping up to make its fundraising campaign a success; the rest of the work has been supported by rental revenue earned over the summer from youth ski camps.

Key items we’re still working to resolve are the technical system for managing reservations and a staffing model that fulfills the need for both day-to-day management and big picture oversight. Cost efficiency is top-of-mind, though we recognize that a properly supported facility is a requirement of success.

Visually, the lodge still resembles itself with a few small exceptions. On the outside, the vent stack that protrudes from the west side of the roof has been rerouted and will be removed entirely with the new roof, as its position was contributing to the leaks. On the inside, staff is working to curate displays on the walls to tell the story of the lodge over the last 60 years. Additionally, membership has asked for a more flexible, user-friendly kitchen, as well as an environmentally sustainable carbon-neutral facility. Cautious to not get ahead of ourselves, we’re beginning to imagine what those larger upgrades might entail.

Again, first things first—we still have a few items to resolve before we can reopen to members. Once we’re up and running, we’ll be able to use real-time feedback to fine-tune our operations and generate the revenue we need to expand service. If you’d like to support the lodge, please consider attending our September 25 fundraiser, Steps Together, or making a charitable contribution in lieu of attendance. For the latest updates and announcements, keep your eyes on our eNews and the November/December Mazama Bulletin.

Meet the Mazamas

Nick joined the Mazamas this year to take part in our Advanced Rock course, but he’s been an outdoor enthusiast for years and enjoys hiking, backpacking, snowboarding, biking and more. When not in the wild, he runs his own tech support and production company and is a classically trained musician, instrumentalist, singer, composer and former yoga instructor. 

Name:  Nick Hankins

Pronouns:  He/Him

Year Joined Mazamas: 2024 

Present-day outdoor activities:  Cragging, Alpine Epics, Hiking, Backpacking, Camping, Photography, Slacklining, Skiing, Snowboarding, Running, Biking, Fixing Vanny (my elderly campervan)

What’s your earliest outdoor memory? Technically accurate, but super throwback…swinging on a swing set in France when I was about 4 or 5 on a sunny day and a girl walked over and kissed me on the cheek.

How did you first hear about the Mazamas, and what prompted you to engage with the organization? My friend Julie told me about the Mazamas when I was climbing with her at Movement. She literally said “You should join the Mazamas and take their Advanced Rock class. I took it last year and it was awesome. You’d love it.”

As more people seek to recreate outdoors, what advice would you offer them? As certain sectors of the world seem to be trending more and more towards chaos, the sanctity of the great outdoors and protected natural spaces has never been more important. As best as you can, try to be considerate of other people’s spiritual experience in these spaces…whether that means adhering to the Leave No Trace principle or leaving your bluetooth speaker and your drone at home (preaching to myself about the drones) or smiling at someone as you pass them on the trail or taking education classes like those offered by the Mazamas to enrich your experience and to propagate best practices that help keep everyone safe, which in turn helps to keep these sacred spaces open and available to all of us. Join a community of like-minded friends and get away from the doom screens as often as you can! I recently deleted Instagram and Facebook on my phone and instead share photos and videos with my friends on a shared Discover Server.

What activities/situations/people most inspire you? People climbing hard in beautiful places. People living simply and minimalistically. People going out of their way or sacrificing their own safety or freedom to help or to stand up for those in need. 

What is your favorite book/movie/TV show/social media account that you follow and why? Pick one. I love the Reel Rock documentaries. They’re produced really well and the stories and cinematography is always top notch.

What’s on your adventure bucket list? I have a number of destinations and crags and alpine peaks on my bucket list, but the one I obsess about the most is a top secret route on the Oregon coast that I’m planning to rebolt and revitalize. 

Meet the Mazamas

Stacey has been a level A climb leader for a year and is stoked to help and encourage new climbers to accomplish their goals! When not climbing, she works as the director of a public defender office and likes to garden and spoil her dog, Jim.

Name:  Stacey Reding

Pronouns:  she/her

Year Joined Mazamas: 2013

Present-day outdoor activities: Hiking, backpacking, rock climbing and working on my skiing  

What’s your earliest outdoor memory? I grew up in rural Kansas, where outdoor recreation looked a lot different than it does for me and my friends in the Pacific Northwest area today. My family would car camp and my dad would go fishing, and outdoor activities were usually more restful than physically demanding. 

We didn’t have any hiking trails in my area, but I loved to go on long walks on gravel roads and through cow pastures and creeks. Once when I was 8 years old, I left home before my parents woke up and went walking for so long that my parents got scared and called the police to report me missing!

The first time I saw mountains was in high school when my youth group drove to Colorado for a spring break ski trip. I was in awe of the Rockies, and I’m so grateful that I live in such a beautiful area today.

How did you first hear about the Mazamas, and what prompted you to engage with the organization? In 2013, I was doing a lot of hiking with various groups through MeetUp, which led me to a Sierra Club member who invited me to join his Mt. Saint Helens climb that August. My initial reaction was: “I can’t climb a mountain!” But he assured me that since he had seen me complete the hike we had just done together (Table Mountain), he knew I was capable.

Our climb was in August and was a long scree hike. As we ascended, I saw a team of Boy Scouts carrying ice axes trying to make use of them on any snow patch they could find. On the summit, I asked our leader about how people use ice axes without impaling themselves, and he told me about the Basic Climbing Education Program (BCEP). I had heard of Mazamas but had never seen myself as someone who might be qualified to join. I joined Mazamas that fall and was in BCEP the following spring!

As more people seek to recreate outdoors, what advice would you offer them? Have fun! There are a lot of different activities available to folks, so if one doesn’t appeal to you, pursue another. And also, you are capable of even more than you think.

What activities/situations/people most inspire you? I admire anyone who can bring a good attitude and work ethic to face adversity. That applies to mountaineering but also to my profession. I work in public defense. My office represents clients who have faced a lot of challenges – parental neglect, poverty, houselessness, untreated mental illness, and drug addiction – and on our most successful days we get to see folks fight through those challenges and overcome a lot to make their lives better.

What is your favorite book/movie/TV show/social media account that you follow and why? Pick one. This last winter I got turned on to Zom100, an anime series. The hero is an overworked man who faces a zombie apocalypse with glee because he’s finally free from his job. He creates a list of 100 things to do before he becomes a zombie. It’s a life-affirming, sweet, smart, funny show that I’d recommend for anyone.

What’s on your adventure bucket list? I desperately want to backpack in the Enchantments (and if this gets published, maybe a lottery winner can bring me along with them!). I’d also love to travel to Japan to climb Mt. Fuji.

Meet the Mazamas

Corey joined the Mazamas a year ago, and in that short time has taken part in BCEP, Canyoneering, Nordic Ski School and Wilderness First Aid (WFA). They have been exploring the West Coast for the past decade since moving here from Florida. When they aren’t in the mountains, they are usually near a bike, riding all over the greater Portland area and volunteering with Bike Farm and Pedalpalooza.

Name: Corey Johns

Pronouns: they/them

Year Joined Mazamas: 2023

Present-day outdoor activities: Rock climbing, canyoneering, gravel cycling, backpacking, hiking, Nordic skiing, surfing, bird watching.

What’s your earliest outdoor memory? Camping with the Boy Scouts in elementary school, watching my parents struggle to put together a tent before we hiked a few miles in a Florida swamp.

How did you first hear about the Mazamas, and what prompted you to engage with the organization? My partner took BCEP and invited me to climb Mt. St. Helens with her, a demanding and awe-inspiring day that made me appreciate how much more I needed to learn about mountaineering. I was attracted to Mazamas because of its focus on instruction and awareness in service to exploring the mountains.

As more people seek to recreate outdoors, what advice would you offer them? Be patient and gentle with yourself! It is easy to become demanding of ourselves when there is so much to do and see outdoors, but learning to go at the right pace will make it so much more enjoyable.

What activities/situations/people most inspire you? I’m most inspired in moments when we are required to problem solve and think on our feet in order to move forward with the objective. Flexibility and lateral thinking are great assets when exploring the outdoors!

What is your favorite book/movie/TV show/social media account that you follow and why? Pick one. Barbarian Days: A Surfing Life, the memoir of William Finnegan, is a great read about the life of a surfing obsessive and has a lot to say about our relationship to sport and the outdoor world.

What’s on your adventure bucket list? Climbing Prusik Peak and doing a Nordic ski hut-to-hut.

Meet the Mazamas (Families Mountaineering 101 Edition)

Richard started his journey with the Mazamas in 2016, taking part in our Basic Climbing Education Program (BCEP) Then he got to thinking how fun it would be to get outdoors and climb with his children. He took Families Mountaineering 101 in 2017 with two of his children, and they’ve all been volunteering for FM101 since. Richard has co-chaired that committee for the past couple of years and is stoked for the FM101 class of 2024-25. Registration for FM101 is open.

Names: Richard Hall (He/Him/They) I have three children, two of whom expressed an interest in climbing. Kaden (He/Him) and Kiran (He/Him) who participated in FM101 in 2017 

How did you hear about FM101, and what prompted you to take the course? After completing the Basic Climbing Education Program (BCEP) in 2016, I asked about opportunities to involve my children. I wanted to be able to climb with them and hoped they too would develop a love for the outdoors. 

How would you describe your family’s outdoor pursuits before taking FM101? We did some camping, hiking and backing. We also enjoyed snowboarding and rafting.

Have things changed since completing it? If yes, describe how?  Yes! Since completing FM101 in 2017, my children and I have assisted with the program; helping to teach the skills learned to other families interested in climbing together. I am proud of the way they have been able to assist others demonstrating patience  as they help others learn basic rock and snow skills.

My personal journey has led me to become one of the volunteer coordinators for the program last year (2023-2024). I am coordinating it again this year with my good friend.

Please share a few course highlights for us. Did you make good friends? Did you conquer a fear of heights? Did you do things you never dreamed were possible? We have become members of an amazing community. We have cultivated lifelong friendships with people we have met in the FM101 program. Most recently, my sons and I climbed Mt. Ellinor in northern Washington. In addition to summiting and enjoying the incredible views along the way, we discovered Cushman Cliffs. My sons worked together to belay me on a challenging 5.8 slab. All three of us fell in love with the area and enjoyed an incredible weekend together creating lasting memories that I will cherish.  

What advice would you give to other families who might be considering FM101 and also those who have already applied? Apply! This is an incredible program. You will learn the basic technical rock and snow skills to participate in some amazing climbs with the Mazamas. More importantly, you and your family members will challenge yourselves and step outside your comfort zones. You will meet some awesome people and create lifelong memories with your children. 

What activities/situations/people most inspire you? The snow weekend has been one of our family’s favorite weekends. We love spending time at the lodge with people we have met throughout the years as well as new friends we have bonded with during the course. For me it is especially rewarding to watch people overcome fears or challenges and to help instill life lessons and leadership skills that can be learned through mountaineering. 

What’s on your family adventure bucket list? I would love to climb Hood for the first time with my boys. 

Conoce a las Mazamas

Megan, Arya y Sienna acampaban antes de dejar de usar pañales, y su amor y curiosidad por la vida al aire libre sigue creciendo.

“La Familia MÁS”, como se autodenominan, adora hacer caminatas, irse de mochileros, acampar, escalar en el gimnasio, andar en bicicleta y caminar con raquetas de nieve. Unirse al grupo Mazamas, los ayudó a descubrir la escalada al aire libre, aprender algunas técnicas como el glissading y llevar su aventura a otro nivel.

Nombres: Megan, Arya (10) y Sienna (8) Nace

Pronombres: Ella

¿Cómo se enteró de FM101 y qué la impulsó a tomar el curso?

Megan estaba investigando sobre actividades divertidas para hacer con sus hijas y se topó con el sitio Families Mountaineering 101 (FM101) y le pareció perfecto para ellas. Después de asegurarse que el padre de las niñas estaba de acuerdo, presentó una solicitud y cruzó los dedos.

¿Cómo describirías las actividades al aire libre de tu familia antes de tomar FM101?

Megan había comenzado recientemente a escalar montañas como Adams y Hood. Además, las excursiones con mochila por solo una noche, las raquetas de nieve y la escalada de South Sister formaban parte del repertorio familiar.

¿Han cambiado las cosas desde que lo completaron? Si es así, describe cómo.

Claro que si. Los niños sueñan en grande y están empezando a hacer excursiones con mochila de varias noches. Su confianza en ellos mismos ha aumentado, y ahora también conocen mejor sus habilidades y límites.

Megan ha empezado a practicar barranquismo, sigue entrenando para hacer Mount Rainier y espera aprender a hacer anclajes sencillos para que los niños puedan seguir practicando sus habilidades de escalada fuera del entorno del gimnasio.

Comparte algunos puntos destacados del curso para nosotros. ¿Hiciste buenos amigos? ¿Superaste el miedo a las alturas? ¿Hiciste cosas que nunca soñaste que fueran posibles?

Arya: Nunca imaginé que podía hacer rapel, pero lo hice con la ayuda de Rich. En Horsethief Butte, Xena me mostró un lugar donde podíamos pasar el rato al sol y eso me encantó. ¡También pudimos ver el eclipse con gafas solares!

Sienna: Hice muchos amigos. Tenía mucho miedo a las alturas, pero cuando conocí a los Mazamas, me enseñaron a mantener la calma en las alturas. Superé mi miedo a hacer rapel nuevamente después de haber tenido un incidente en Horsethief Butte. Me gustó conocer a Evelyn porque me ayudó con muchas cosas y nos hicimos muy buenas amigas.

Megan: Comencé el curso asumiendo que estaría exclusivamente apoyando el aprendizaje de mis hijos como madre soltera de dos hijos. Estoy encantada de terminar este programa con niños valientes y con nuestras destrezas, haber mejorado mis propias habilidades y haber creado una nueva comunidad de amigos.

¿Qué consejo le darías a otras familias que podrían estar considerando FM101 y también a aquellas que ya se han postulado?

Sienna: Confía en ti misma.

Arya: Confía en el sistema. Se que será difícil al principio, pero una vez que sigas practicando, se volverá cada vez más fácil.

Megan: ¡Hazlo! Tenía muy poca experiencia fuera de las habilidades en la nieve cuando empecé la clase, y la oportunidad de aprender y vencer los miedos junto con mis hijos ha sido la experiencia más increíble que he tenido como madre hasta ahora.

La oportunidad de que mis hijos me entrenaran y trabajar juntos para superar las cosas difíciles, creó una unión familiar como ninguna otra. No te dejes intimidar si sientes que no tienes suficiente (¡o nada!) de conocimiento o cumbres. Son un grupo acogedor y estamos ansiosos por brindar apoyo.

¿Qué actividades/situaciones/personas te inspiran más?

Sienna: Rich me ayudó a escalar y bajar cuando creía que no podía hacerlo y me inspiró a pensar que puedo hacer cosas difíciles. Quiero seguir escalando cuando sea mayor. Evelyn me enseñó a hacer viajes en línea fija y estaré disponible para ayudar a los estudiantes el año que viene.

Arya: Me inspiró la travesía tirolesa en Horsethief. Fue una actividad divertida y debe haber sido muy difícil organizarla. Lo hice 17 veces. Una situación que me inspiró fue cuando Sienna se volcó al suelo mientras hacía rapel. Agradezco que Jeff haya bajado y la haya ayudado a bajar de forma segura. Aprendí mucho sobre la seguridad y sobre los sistemas y equipos.

Megan: Personas que se arriesgan y aportan su yo auténtico al servicio de los demás o del planeta, con una mente aguda en pos de la equidad. Mi colega, Olga Acuña, se destaca como alguien que humildemente superó muchos desafíos, ha servido a nuestra comunidad de Hillsboro de muchas maneras, tiene un don para conectar a las personas adecuadas y ha abierto oportunidades para innumerables personas.

¿Cuál es tu libro/película/programa de televisión/cuenta de redes sociales favorito que sigues y por qué? Elige uno.

Arya: Me gusta Moana porque va a salir una segunda. Te muestra lo que es posible y es una historia realmente hermosa.

Sienna: Recomiendo Inside Out 2 porque puede muestra sus emociones y es una muy buena historia sobre una niña que crece con sus padres.

¿Qué hay en tu lista de aventuras familiares?
Sienna: Quiero escalar Mount Rainier y Mount Hood algún día.
Arya: Practicar en Rooster Rock y volver a nadar. También quiero escalar Mount St. Helens en verano y en invierno para poder deslizarme.
Megan: He soñado con llevarlos a Mount Thielsen desde el primer día que comenzó FM101. También estamos planeando un viaje a Mailbox Peak y escalar St. Helens este verano.